
World Cup 2022 Preview

 I've been trying to write about some different things here on my blog just to see what I can maybe focus on in the future and see how it feels to touch on different subjects I like. This time I'm covering sports for the first time, specifically Soccer and the upcoming World Cup in Qatar. The World Cup would not be starting at this time in normal circumstances, but it's a bit different this time around. Qatar is way too hot for players to be safely playing 90-minute games without serious risks to their health and to the fans who are going to attend as well. So instead it's going to start in late November, which is just days away. So I figured now that every team is officially getting ready for the World Cup, I would take a look at each team's chances of winning their groups and possibly winning the entire tournament. 

So this is a pretty controversial World Cup to begin with, mainly because of where it takes place, but not just that. FIFA itself is known by most fans of soccer for its shady business deals and for pretty much being openly corrupt. So most weren't surprised when the deal was made for Qatar to host the 2022 World Cup after Russia in 2018, which was pretty controversial too four years ago. Since the time of its announcement, thousands of workers have died working on the new stadiums and facilities for the upcoming World Cup because of poor working conditions. Things like having to stay in tiny "houses" cramped full of people to not being paid for a lot of their hours and overtime. On top of that, the country of Qatar is also far behind in human rights where it punishes homosexuality and free speech and turns a blind eye to things like domestic violence against women. Many players and coaches from other countries have stood against the decision to have the World Cup in Qatar. Even with it being so clearly corrupt and wrong, everything still looks set for this World Cup to go through. I forgot to mention that Qatar isn't even really known as a big soccer-playing country. This all seems like a big scheme for people to see Qatar as a destination to travel to and to try to hide all the problems within the country itself with a big sports event that will have tons of beautiful shots of the country during the broadcasts. Similar to what happened at the last World Cup in Russia. Then there's also the huge mess that was left behind after the empty World Cup stadiums in Brazil 8 years ago. All this to say that it's understandable to still watch the World Cup knowing this because it's the biggest sporting event known to man. Just that there's a desperate need for change in the way FIFA handles business and who it does business with. We shouldn't have to watch the World Cup thinking about how corrupt it is and the many lives it wrongfully took to make it happen. And that isn't even all of the problems with this year's World Cup, just the ones I felt the need to cover here. 

That was a lot, I know. I knew I had to bring up the matter of Qatar being the host because it is important to know just how big of a problem it is that this country is hosting. But now for some more fun, I'd like to take a quick look at all the teams that qualified by going through their groups. There are 8 groups of 4 teams in the World Cup, with only the best two of each group moving on to the next round.


Qatar - Well I've spoken about the host country itself, but how is the team? Well, the team is... okay. I'd put them as one of the least favorites to win the World Cup and I don't think they'll even make it past the group stage. In fact, I see them most likely finishing dead last because of the competition they have to face in the first three matches. The country has been developing its players in a state-of-the-art facility with old pros showing the young players how it's done. Still, this country is decades away from being a true contender for this kind of international tournament, but it's definitely on the rise.  I'd much rather talk about the other three teams though.

Ecuador - A team with a lot of momentum at the moment, seemed to come out of nowhere this time around. It's been a while since they have been to a world cup, but this time around they weren't messing about. They finished their continent's (CONMEBOL) qualifiers in third place ahead of countries like Uruguay, Peru, and even Colombia. Despite them having a strong showing in qualifiers, I don't see them making it out of the group stage and finishing third. Not so much a knock on this team, but the two other teams in this group are quite good. But I must admit I'm not fully convinced this team won't make it, because they do have talent. 

Senegal - A team that just recently won the African Cup of Nations and beat a pretty strong Egypt team in order to qualify for the world cup. I'd say out of all the African teams, Senegal should go the farthest in this competition. A solid team with one of the most prolific strikers in the world right now in Sadio Mané. Their road to the World Cup was a bit controversial with a very strange win over Egypt to qualify. They've been very disappointing the last few months with lots of losses and draws, not looking very strong. But then again, Ecuador hasn't been looking too good either so there's that?

Netherlands - The clear favorite of Group A should top the group easily in my opinion. A team stacked with world-class players and a good manager needs to show all other teams right away that they are here to win. Now even though I think they will top the group, I still wouldn't consider them a favorite to win this whole tournament. I think they can potentially make it far, like top 4 at the most. If everything comes together for this team, maybe they can go even further than that. They've never won the competition, but have made it to a final recently where they lost to Spain in a close match. They have put on some good matches recently so I think if they bring their recent success into the competition they can really stand toe-to-toe with any team. 


England - Going into this competition, I really thought England was going to be one of the favorites to win the whole thing. The past few months have made me think much less of them. They have been a mess right now, losing to Hungary twice and drawing the rest of their games to look pretty mediocre. They have a lot to figure out, but thankfully for them, the other teams in their group haven't been much better. We'll get to those other teams, but England really struggles at keeping the other teams from scoring and just lack cohesion. If they play anything like they have recently, they won't make it past the first knockout game. That being said, they should still be winning this group. They got plenty of great goal-scorers (Harry Kane is one of the best in the world), but they need to find a good defensive pair in the back to stop other teams from scoring on them so consistently. 

IR Iran - Iran feels like a bit of a wild card in this group. They dominated their qualifiers in Asia only losing one of ten games. The competition wasn't exactly top-level, but it's still impressive for them to do that. They topped their group, which included South Korea. I feel like this team will cause problems for one of the big teams in this group (England or USA) because they can be feisty and if the other teams underestimate them it will bite them in the butt. All that to say this team will most likely not make it out of the group stage. At the moment Ukraine and others around Europe and the world are trying to get Iran removed from the World Cup for how they treat women. Mainly the fact that women have not been allowed to attend sporting events in the country for decades. 

USA - Much like England I have no clue just how far this team can really make it this year. With one of the youngest teams coming into the World Cup, there's a lot of energy and hope building around the future of the US men's team. The team has had moments of glory recently winning the Gold Cup and Nation's League. Then they struggled to stay consistent in the qualifiers for this competition. The team struggles hard when they aren't playing at home, especially when they have to play in Central America against teams like Costa Rica and Panama. I still have lots of hope for this team to really make an impact this year and make it out of the group stage, possibly even finishing ahead of England? It's all about building momentum for the next World Cup in 4 years, which will take place here in North America. I really don't see them winning it this year barring some miracle run. In their last two matches before the world cup, they were dominated by Japan and struggled to create anything against Saudi Arabia. This team looked lost and totally not ready for the tournament in November. The fact that most of the teams in this group look like that is the only hope I have right now.

Wales - It's been a long time since Wales made it to the World Cup. Not since the 1950s has this team been to the grandest stage of soccer. This time around it felt like the perfect time as it will be the last time legendary player Gareth Bale will be playing for his home country. A little bittersweet to see them qualify as they had to knock out Ukraine to get here and we know they could've had a very inspiring run in this year's World Cup. I question just how far Gareth Bale can really take this team though. Not to take away from the great players around him, but he is going to be carrying this team on his back unless someone truly steps up. He's not the player he used to be, but still has enough left to have some big moments. I still don't think it will be enough to stop the USA and England from moving forward, but I'm not counting them out completely. (They did not win a single Nation's League match this summer, so that hurts)


Argentina - The first big powerhouse team in this year's WC (I'm going to shorten World Cup to WC from now on).  Many people, including myself, see Argentina as a favorite to win this whole thing. It's hard not to see why with how dominant they have been recently. Winning Copa America and not losing a single game during the qualifiers is a big deal. Having a strong team of veterans and younger rising stars is great. Then there's the fact that this is the last world cup Messi will be playing in to really motivate the team to get him that trophy as a perfect send-off. Mind you Messi isn't the only legend playing his last WC this year, as a certain rival is also in that same boat. But, Argentina should easily dominate this group and move on to the knock-outs where they will face their first true test. A meeting with France or Denmark could be in the cards there and that will be a tough match either way. 

Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia had a surprisingly strong showing in the qualifiers. They got through with relative ease in a group with Japan and Australia, two of the stronger teams in Asia. With Argentina most likely winning this group, there is an opening for a team like this to make it through but I just don't think this team has everything you need to move on. I still see them finishing last in the group. 

Mexico - A team that always plays with heart in the WC, but is always knocked out by one of the big favorites. I'm hoping to see more from this team as they are fully capable of making it out of this group in second place. I think Poland will be a threat though, a team with one of the best goal-scorers in the world. Mexico also struggled a lot through the qualifiers but found quality at just the right time to finish strong. This team can be incredibly feisty and incredibly disappointing at times. In their last game before the WC they put up a great game against Colombia, only to completely fall apart and lose the game in the second half. I still believe that this team is going to show a lot of fire and do enough to get through this group stage. 

Poland - Another team whose best player is most likely playing in his last WC. Lewandowski is the kind of player who can take a pretty good team into some big wins. That being said, one amazing player can't win the whole tournament. I think Mexico will have just enough to beat this team out in the group, but it's going to be a good matchup. Poland can hang with most teams but has struggled against the heavyweights like Netherlands and Belgium recently. So it's almost a coinflip for me trying to decide between Mexico and Poland to join Argentina in the knockout rounds. I'll stick with Mexico. 


France - The last few WC tournaments have not been kind to defending champions. This year France goes in with hopes of repeating its success four years ago. Spain, Germany, and Italy learned the hard way that you have to be completely focused from the start or you'll find yourself out of the competition early. This group seems like an easy win for France and Denmark, but for France, you want to show your dominance early. The past few months have shown that France can struggle against quality opponents as they failed to win five out of six matches. I can't see the same thing that happened to Spain, Italy, and Germany (not making it past the group stage) in the last three World Cups happen here... but anything is possible? France has so many world-class players that they had to leave out some pretty amazing players from this year's WC. Hopefully, they made the right player choices because repeating won't be easy. With a front three of Mbappe, Giroud, and Benzema you can't really go wrong though. 

Australia - A team that struggled through the qualifiers and just narrowly found a way to qualify through play-offs. Stuck in a group here that has two heavy hitters in France and Denmark. The most I can see this team doing right now is maybe putting up a fight against France and stealing a draw. Besides that, I think this team has the potential to at least finish third. They just narrowly beat Peru to take the final playoff spot in the World Cup from the Asia region. The only two games they've played since June was against New Zealand, in which they won both. I'll be rooting for this underdog, but I'm not exactly hopeful they can make it out of a tough group. 

Denmark - You want to see a team that plays with heart, you look at Denmark. I feel like this team always plays with a chip on their shoulder wanting to prove they can stand toe to toe with giants. I'm not so sure they aren't giants themselves at this point. I really think this team can make it far in this competition as they've proven that they can beat pretty much any team recently. I wouldn't put them as favorites, but I think they are the team that should be feared. They've already proven they can beat France, as they've done that twice during the summer. If you're looking for a good underdog team to root for that actually has a good chance to win this, here they are. 

Tunisia - Not much to say about this team. They found themselves against Mali to qualify for the WC, but barely beat them to get in. Kinda bummed not to see a team like Egypt or Ivory Coast here as I think they would have a better chance in this group. Still, they earned a spot and have a chance to prove that they belong amongst the stars here. They recently got destroyed by Brazil but did manage to get a dominant victory over Japan. 


Spain - It's weird to call a powerhouse like Spain an underdog, but I think that's what they are at this moment. Lots of their stars and veterans left and now new players are bringing up this team. I think the future is very bright for Spain and they are favored to get out of this group. I can see them getting pretty far in the competition, but I don't think they will win it all. By the time the next WC comes around though this could be a team ready to win another trophy. 

Costa Rica - A team that struggled through qualifiers early, but fixed a lot of issues for the later games in order to bring themselves back to the WC. They even humbled the USA in the final game to finish off strong. There's one factor in this team that keeps them in games, and that's their world-class goalkeeper Keylor Navas. He keeps busy in the goal since Costa Rica doesn't usually hold on to the ball for very long. They focus on counterattacks and speed to get the goals. Sadly this is probably the worst group they could have gotten and it's going to be tough to beat out two European giants and a very capable Japanese team. 

Germany - After a huge disappointment 4 years ago, Germany is back to prove that their previous run was just a one-time thing. Right now Germany has a very strong team of veterans and rising stars that could really take this team back to another final. They still have some things to fix defensively, but their goal-scorers all look in form and ready to take Germany far in this competition. I believe this team is one of the favorites to win, but first they need to make it out of this tough group. They've been pretty uneven lately, getting lots of draws against other European giants. They have the talent to win this world cup, but there's definitely something lacking in this team to make them a finals contender. Plenty of time to figure it out in the last few months, but they're going to need to start strong to show everyone that the Germany of old is back again. 

Japan - Just like Costa Rica this team struggled early on in the qualifiers but bounced back in the second half of the schedule to secure a place in the WC. Four years ago this team really showed that they can cause any team trouble if underestimated. This time around, I just can't see them making it past Germany and Spain. Unless both of those teams manage to underperform again, it's likely Japan won't be able to make it out of the group. They recently beat the USA in a dominant fashion. They even put up a good fight against Brazil, still losing by a single goal. If they bring that energy to this WC, then I don't see why they can't make something happen in this group. 


Belgium - A team that can never seem to truly live up to their potential. A lot of their world-class players are not going to be playing on this team for much longer, so the window for success is closing in on them. This group isn't going to be easy for them to get through either. With three other teams that have been playing very well recently, it's not guaranteed for them to move on to the next round. I am going to make a bold but probably wrong prediction and say that Belgium doesn't make it past the group stage this year. 

Canada - Nobody could have predicted that Canada would completely dominate the CONCACAF qualifiers and finish in from of both the USA and Mexico. Not only that but they managed to beat both teams very convincingly when they faced off in the cold at home. Now heading to the opposite type of games in the desert, can they repeat that success? I think they really can! I believe this team is capable of upsetting some of the teams in this group. This is a really tough group overall though and if I had to make a prediction I think Canada will do just enough to make it through, just narrowly beating out Belgium for the second-place spot.

Morocco - The only team in the African qualifiers to win every game and qualify for the WC. To be fair though, they did face a lot of smaller countries that they were heavily favored to beat. But you can only beat the opponents in front of you and they did just that. One big news story for them is that Ziyech, one of their stronger players, is coming back to join the team for the WC. This could be a nice boost for them, it never hurts to bring in a great player. The problem is they are in a very tough group with two strong European teams and a solid Canadian team. I can't see them making it out of this group, but it's not completely out of reach for them. A lot of people would favor them ahead of Canada, but I still believe that the Canadien team will really push hard in these games. 

Croatia - Croatia is a team with a lot of older players who are just past their peak, but still fully capable of playing some great football. One of the best mid-fielders around Modric is still able to play smart football and create some good chances at goal. Alongside him are plenty of veterans who know the game very well. They came close to winning their first WC four years ago and this time they are looking for one last shot at glory for a lot of their squad. Recently they've beaten teams like France and Denmark proving they can still hang with some of the European greats. I see them winning this group and making it at least past the first knockout game, but not making the final again.


Brazil - Many are calling this current Brazillian team the favorite to take home the trophy this year and it's pretty clear why. They completely dominated their qualifiers only dropping 3 points out of a possible 48. They also completely dominated South Korea a few months ago and got a close win over Japan. Their squad is stacked with superstar players like Neymar, Vini Jr, Silva, and Richarlison. They also have two of the best goalkeepers in the world Alisson and Ederson to pick from. They also got a good draw here in Group G with no other football powerhouse to really challenge them. It's still the WC though, and it's not just going to come easy because it's Brazil. More pressure seems to come to them just because of how big the game is in their home country, the kind that they need to use to play better and not play with nerves. If they continue to play like they have, the finals are going to be in their future. 

Serbia - A team that was underestimated by Portugal in the qualifiers, which ended up being their downfall (though they found a way back did Portugal). No other team in the group should make that mistake because this team is fully capable of capitalizing on mistakes and complacency. I'm not sure of the full potential of this team, but I think it's at least making it out of this group. Do I think they will? No, not really. The fact that they don't have as much pressure as the other teams in this group could be an advantage though. Also, Mitrovic is going to be a problem for defenses in this group. 

Switzerland - I kind of put them in the same boat as Serbia in a way. Though I think there's a bit more expectation for this team. They also found a way to upset a favorite going into the qualifiers, but for them it was Italy. Thanks to this team (and N. Macedonia) Italy will once again miss a WC, which is still pretty crazy to think about. This is an interesting group for the Swiss. I can see them ending the group stage at pretty much any position. It all depends on what version of this team we get. If they play at their best, they will make it out of the group and even possibly give Brazil some trouble. They eliminated France in a shocking twist last year in the Euros and beat Spain and Portugal recently too. If we get that version of this team, then I wouldn't take them lightly. 

Cameroon - Just narrowly beating the Ivory Coast and Algeria to get into the WC, Cameroon is put into a pretty tough group. I'm not sure they have the squad to survive Brazil. They will need to get results from the other two games to have a shot at moving on. They do have a world-class striker in Choupo-Moting from Bayern to net them some goals. A player like him can make a huge difference, but they still need to stop the other teams from scoring and that's probably where the problems will lie. They haven't faced any quality opponents recently, and the ones they have faced were a struggle. 


Portugal - A team that's got a roster full of amazing players, but somehow always finds a way to disappoint. This time they're in a group that's full of teams that have some recent history with Portugal. Uruguay eliminated them in the last WC and Ghana who was in the same group as them in 2014, which they failed to pass. There was also the WC in 2002 where South Korea eliminated Portugal, but that was a while back. This team has a chance for a lot of revenge here and to also prove that they really are contenders. This is going to be Ronaldo's final WC and I'm sure he will do everything in his power to make the final against Messi this year because it would be so poetic or something like that. It's possible but I can't see this team keeping it together all tournament long to make the final. This team seems to throw out an uneven performance every few matches. I think it happens again and it's goodbye. But they will win this group before that collapse. I say that with not much confidence. 

Ghana - This team has had a lot of heartbreak in this competition, and one team in this group is guilty of stabbing them right in that heart. Uruguay and Suarez found a way to send a team destined to make history back home in tears after a cheap handball turned the game around. If there was ever a moment for some payback I guess it would be now. Sadly, this Ghana team isn't as good as the one from the 2010 WC, at least not on paper, but lucky for them the Uruguay team they will be facing is also in the same situation. It's not all about revenge though as I'm sure this team wants to make it far in the competition. This group feels pretty open for them to grab that second spot behind Portugal. I guess it would be a little sweeter to send Suarez home too. I say this not knowing how the players actually feel about Uruguay and Suarez. I'm sure they've totally forgotten about it and moved on right? 

Uruguay - This team struggled a lot in the qualifiers, looking like a team in transition. While they still have a lot of great players, it feels like this team needs some more time to rebuild into something else. I think they still have enough to make it through this group, but ultimately won't be able to. Also, they'll probably draw with Ghana. Even though a lot of people might not see him as a big name, this is going to be Suarez's last WC too. Though he annoys me for that handball moment against Ghana, he's been an extraordinary player for many years, one of the best really. It'll be sad to see a lot of great players living in their last moments of soccer glory, but it'll also be nice to see the young stars who will take their place. 

Korea Republic - Son Heung-Min. That is all. The best goal scorer in the Premier League isn't someone to take lightly. I might be overly optimistic here but I really see this team making it out of the group over Ghana and Uruguay. Two teams that are struggling lately taking on a South Korean team that has been consistently good as of late. And again, they have one of the best goal scorers in the world, that will be the difference between them. 

I highlighted the teams I think will move past the group stage in blue. This ended up being longer than I thought it would be, but I enjoyed going over every team. Super excited to watch these teams play this fall and I hope the conditions aren't too rough for the players. The three favorites going into the tournament look to be Brazil, Argentina, and France. I also think teams like Germany, Netherlands, and Denmark have a good shot at it too. But now the wait is over... in just one week the greatest tournament in the world will start. I'll miss most of the games live because of the time difference, but I will be listening to the radio commentary of these games on Talksport during work to keep up with the scores. I believe the games will be live broadcast on Fox, Peacock, and Telemundo. Super excited to watch the games live on the weekend and Thanksgiving break though. Here are some notable matches I think will be really fun to watch every day in order:

Sunday 11/20: Qatar V Ecuador
The first game of the WC is obviously important and worth watching. Both these teams could put on a good match too.

Monday 11/21: USA V Wales
The first USA game is obviously worth watching too, especially when it's a game they could totally win. Will the USA actually be good this time around? Probably not. 

Tuesday 11/22: Mexico V Poland
Two evenly matched teams face off to see who can compete for the second spot in the group. Should be a fun game. 

Wednesday 11/23: Belgium V Canada
This could be a very dominant Belgium win, but I really am hopeful that Canada can put up a fight and win here. 

Thursday 11/24: Brazil V Serbia
Brazil's first match is against a very good Serbia team that could surprise any team if taken lightly. This could be a surprisingly competitive match, even though I still see Brazil winning. 

Friday 11/25: England V USA
One of the matches I'm looking forward to the most. The USA actually beat the English last time they faced off in the WC. They will 100% do it again this time... right?

Saturday 11/26: France V Denmark
A battle of two European giants that we've seen a few times recently. Except for this time, it's on the biggest stage and it's for a very important spot at the top of the group. Will France finally get one over on Denmark? Although Mexico taking on Argentina comes in a very close second to watch this day. 

Sunday 11/27: Spain V Germany
Two more European giants battle it out to see who's better. This could be another WC classic if it goes the way I think it does. Lots of goals in a very even match... please be a good match. 

Monday 11/28: Portugal V Uruguay
Ronaldo and Suarez play each other with one of these teams possibly going out of the competition early. Two legends finishing their careers with their national teams could make for a fun game as these two teams are both good but not great (recently) and the match should be competitive. 

Tuesday 11/29: Iran V USA
Sticking with the USA game here because this could potentially be a very important game to decide if the USA is going to make it out of the group or not.

Wednesday 11/30: Saudia Arabia V Mexico
The only match that looks like it could be competitive on this Wednesday, could also be important to see if Mexico or Saudia Arabia will be moving on to the next round.

 Thursday 12/1: Canada V Morocco
A normal person would have put Belgium taking on Croatia here, but I'm not a normal person. I truly believe this game will decide if Canada will be going into the next round and that it will be a really fun competitive match. 

Friday 12/2: Ghana V Uruguay
How could you not want to watch this match? Ghana could have the chance to eliminate Uruguay and get some sort of revenge for the last time they played at a WC? Sounds like good drama to me. I totally jinxed this game into ending in a draw didn't I... 

Well if this post is popular enough I might make a follow-up with predictions to all the group games and who I pick to win the entire competition in December. 


Remembering My Trip to Japan (2018 Edition)

 So I'm going to be trying something different here, something I've been wanting to do but just wasn't sure how good I would be at it since it's not something I've done before. I guess you never really know until you try, so that's what I'm going to do... try. I'm just going to go over my trip/memories and give some recommendations based on what I experienced. 

Travel is one of my favorite things to do, probably just below playing music which is my favorite thing to do. It's always been a dream of mine to see as much of the world as possible while I still can, a pretty expensive dream, but a dream nevertheless. I was lucky enough to have lived in Europe when I was younger and I was able to see a lot of pretty cool things in those years. I only wish I had been old enough to really appreciate the places I went to, not that I didn't find them fascinating but just that I feel like there are a lot of aspects I missed because I just didn't fully understand the position I was in. Moving back to the states, years would go by before I would be able to do that kind of thing again. In 2018 I found myself in the position to be able to travel again, and there was only one place I knew I had to go to. That place is Japan. A place I was fascinated by since I was a little kid. The flight was bought, and it was time to get ready. 

Japan is a truly amazing place, one that I recommend to pretty much anyone. I really feel like there's something for everyone in this country. There's a ton of history to explore in this country, literally thousands of years of culture and stories that are waiting to be seen. It didn't take long for this place to win me over, just a day or two into my trip and I knew I was going to miss it once I left. My first trip to Japan was in September, I used the extra day off I had with Labor Day so I could stay a day longer there. It's not the best time to fly out to Japan, the flights aren't going to be cheap. It seems like the cheapest time to fly out might be March and April, around the time the Cherry Blossoms in Japan start to come out. The good thing about going in September though was how cheap the hotels were. Even a really nice hotel was affordable for me at that time, while in March it was a little over double the price for the same exact room. Also, the location was perfect right in Tokyo just a walking distance from lots of tourist attractions, and right next to the subway. 

Tokyo has two major airports you'll be flying into, which are Haneda and Narita. Haneda is right in the center of Tokyo, so you'll have a lot less travel time to the city from there, while Narita is about 40+ minutes outside of the city and is a little harder to get to (but not too bad). I highly recommend getting a Japan Rail Pass which lets you ride a lot of the major rails in Japan (even the Bullet Trains) for 7,14 or 21 days as many times as you need. Also worth getting a Prepaid IC card for public transportation that you just scan and not have to buy individual tickets every time you need to travel around the city. It's also a good idea to carry around some Yen on you while you travel through Japan. Most places, especially in the cities, will accept cards but every now and then you might run into a situation where you need the physical currency. 100 Yen is equal to about 76 cents more or less, but I always just rounded up to 1 dollar to make it easier. 

I ended up staying at an APA hotel, which is a pretty popular chain in Japan. I will say the rooms in Japan are pretty tiny unless you want to spend a lot more to get some extra space. My room was for a max of two people, but I think if there had been someone else with me there, it might have been a little uncomfortable. Something to think about if you aren't flying solo. The area I stayed in was Asakusa, which I recommend if you want to stay in a part of Tokyo that's a little more chilled out. Plenty of fun things within walking distance, including the Tokyo Skytree where you can get amazing visuals of the city day or night. Also not too far from the Disney parks if you are going there. If you want a little more of the Tokyo madness then maybe check out hotels in the Shibuya and Akihabara areas. 

Day 1

Tokyo is a huge city with a ton of things to do. You could honestly spend a whole week in the city and have something new and exciting to do every day. Tokyo is separated into many different sections all with some awesome things to check out and different vibes. So naturally, my first stop was... just outside the city. Being a huge Studio Ghibli fan I knew the first thing I wanted to see was the famous Ghibli Museum on the edge of Tokyo. It's well worth the trip if you're a fan of the movies, though I'll; admit you'll probably only spend an hour there unless you plan on eating at the overpriced restaurant there with some long wait times. This is probably a good time to say that I used google maps a lot during my trip, it tells you exactly what rail lines to board and when as well as any changes you need to make. Public transportation takes some getting used to, but it's incredibly convenient and surprisingly clean and quiet. Japanese people are incredibly respectful and keep it quiet on the buses and trains at all times to not bother each other, so it's good to follow suit. Also, I got by with very little knowledge of the Japanese language. I knew a dozen phrases or so to get by, mostly common courtesy and a few questions if I got lost.  

*The internet on my phone was pretty hit or miss but worked well enough to get by. If you need something more reliable it's worth looking into renting a pocket wi-fi to keep with you on the trip. 

My next stop was Akihabara, which is a must-stop for any fans of Japanese pop culture. Lots of shops for anime, gaming, and music around this area along with some great arcades. I really recommend coming here at night if you want to fully experience the cool lights and sounds of the area, but still pretty cool during the day. I spent the rest of the day checking out shops and playing some arcade games. I was trying to save money on food, so I didn't go to a lot of the best restaurants in the area. There's a cool Final Fantasy restaurant in the area I hope to check out in the future. Thankfully there's plenty of good food around Japan that won't destroy your wallet. I stopped by Coco Ichibanya, which is a curry chain that's good and inexpensive. Also shoutout to 7-Eleven in Japan for lots of cheap meals that are actually pretty decent for a convenience store. If you're like me and want to save money on your food budget, stopping at a Japanese convenience store is great for some snacks and meals. They even heat the meals right at the store if you don't have a microwave in your hotel or want to eat right away. A convenience store named Lawson has some fried chicken that I couldn't stop eating, so there's that. 

Day 2

After my first day in Tokyo, I headed over to Yokohama for the day. Yokohama is a big city on its own, worthy of a day trip from the big city of Tokyo. I headed first to the big mall called World Porters which is a nice place if you like shopping at unique stores for some gifts and souvenirs. There are also a ton of choices for food there, no chains, all local. Right next door is a small theme park called Cosmoworld that has a few coasters and the famous Ferris Wheel that lights up at night, each ride costs less than 900 Yen a ride (around 3-6 dollars). Just across the street from the mall and park is the Cup Noodles museum, which is pretty popular with tourists. It's only 500 Yen for the main tour, free for kids. A fun way to spend 2 hours especially if you have kids.

The last thing I saw in Yokohama was the Chinatown there. Not too far from the area I was just talking about, just a 25-minute walk is all. Okay maybe that's a little far, but there are some nice views of the port along the way and the city is just nice to walk around. It's well worth the walk, but you can always take a cab if you need to save energy. Chinatown in Yokohama is a cool spot with lots of interesting vibes and views. You'll totally want to see one of the big gates at the entrance, depending on what direction you come in from. And of course some good food in the area that's pretty cheap. 

(Entrance to the arcade)

On my way back to my hotel in Tokyo I stopped at Kawasaki to check out one of Japan's biggest arcades Anata No Warehouse. It's a giant building, a little out of the way from anything else of interest, with multiple stories of arcade games, slots, cranes, and gambling. Sadly it closed a year after my visit so it's not a stop anyone can make anymore. Pretty sad because it had a really cool design and atmosphere, but I suppose it wasn't enough to bring in steady customers. 

Day 3

(Fish full of cheese. As fish normally are)

A day trip to Kawagoe, a small town less than two hours on the rail from Tokyo. A really cool place to spend a day, as it has a mix of Edo-period buildings with some modern businesses around. This is the kind of place you'll be taking a lot of pictures because of how interesting everything looks. Great place to shop with lots of little carts selling great street food. There's even a Starbucks in an Edo-period style in the center of the town, right next to an old clock tower. 

Day 4

Woke up early to walk around Asakusa where I was staying. It's a really nice area to stay in because for me it was pretty quiet most of the time and there's actually plenty to see around there. Mainly the famous Sensoji Temple that has a giant beautiful gate at the front called Kaminarimon. Right outside this gate is a long stretch of road full of shops that open up later in the day, really fun to check out and great for souvenirs and gifts if you're looking for any. From there you can cross the river where you can see the big Skytree tower and the Asahi Beer building and brewery. A good place to maybe stop by and rest, get a drink before you head to the Skytree to get the best views of Tokyo from above. Or if you're like me and don't really drink and are kind of a nerd, you can stop by the Kirby Cafe for some adorable, yet tasty meals right underneath the Skytree. 

Later in the day I headed to the center of Tokyo, Chiyoda City. Admittedly not the most exciting place in the city, but still worth a visit just to see the famous Hie Shrine. It might be better to come early to see this area when it's not busy and you can take good pictures alone. The rest of the area is a lot of government buildings including the National Diet and Library buildings. A 2km walk away from the Shrine is the Imperial Palace, which is a pretty area to walk around but not a place I spent very much time in. They do also have free tours if you want to head into the garden area. 

Day 5

 Headed south from Asakusa into DiverCity. Get it? Diversity? I Don't know. But DiverCity is a big tourist area across the Rainbow Bridge. I promise you all of these things are real. There you will find a couple different malls and the big Fuji TV tower. It's actually a really cool-looking area, not just for shopping but that is the main draw here. There are a lot of great photo spots here like the aforementioned Rainbow Bridge, a giant life-size Gundam statue, the Tokyo skyline, and the Statue of Liberty. Yep. There was also a free Toyota car museum that was pretty interesting, but it looks to be closed now sadly. Inside the mall though, there's a giant Gundam store that sells tons of replicas and models, I bought a few to take back home. 

Later on, I took the trains to the Shibuya area of Tokyo, where all the cool hip teens hang out, so you know... not me. It's a great place to feel the more modern culture of Tokyo, with more shopping and fashion around the area. There's of course the famous crosswalk and the Shibuya 109 shopping that's great for anyone who wants to get some Japanese clothing brands to take home. It wasn't my favorite stop, but still well worth visiting the area once. If you go further north of Shibuya you can also see Meji Jinhu, which is a really beautiful shrine surrounded by a nice park. 

Day 6 & 7

Leaving Tokyo and taking the bullet train to Kyoto. It's only a two-and-a-half-hour trip to get all the way to Kyoto, which is pretty amazing. This is where your Japan Rail Pass really comes in handy as it includes the trip to Kyoto, though I recommend booking it in advance at the Tokyo station (it was one of the first things I did when I arrived in Tokyo). The next day and a half was spent exploring the city of Kyoto. It's a totally different vibe than Tokyo, as you can spend more time here diving into Japan's history. There are a ton of temples and shrines in the area to visit, all just a walk away from each other. I chose to just walk the whole city, which was probably not the best choice since it ended up being many many many miles. I was dead at the end of it all. Most of the historical places you can visit require an entry fee but it's usually like 500 Yen or less. There's also a really nice art museum I stopped at to get a break from the outdoors, well worth checking out if you like that sort of thing. 

Kyoto is an amazing city, I only regret that I didn't put more time into seeing it. A day and a half was enough to see all the popular stops, but not enough to really take in everything I wanted to see. Sadly I missed out on the Monkey Park where you literally get to hang out with monkeys right next to you. I'll definitely go there next time. My hotel was right in the middle of the city, a HOTEL UNIZO. Not as nice as the APA chains, but still great for the price at the time. 

Day 8

Just a short 20-minute bullet train ride away from Kyoto is Osaka (Japan Rail Pass eligible), another huge city with tons of things to do. This is the place I want to go back to the most because I feel like I barely scratched the surface with just one day here. Right from the station, I headed to Osaka Castle, which is probably the most famous historical spot in the city. Not only do you get a lot of great history, but some fantastic views from the balcony of the castle. The area surrounding the castle is stunning to look at, I imagine even more so when the cherry blossoms are there. It costs 600 Yen to enter the castle itself and climb the tower. Sadly the inside of the castle wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be. It's been turned into a very modern museum on the inside. It's still worth checking out as there's interesting history in there and as I said before, great views of Osaka. 

(That's a real crab)

My final stop was Shinsaibashi-Suji Shopping Street, which was one of the highlights of my trip. This is a long stretch of road full of what must be a hundred shops or more. It's got everything you could really want from great food to souvenirs. It's an amazing-looking place with lots of charm and great vibes. It all leads to this fantastic area full of quirky signs and shops selling amazing food and a great view across the river. It's one of my favorite spots in all of Japan for sure. One last stop at Don Quijote's to buy a bunch of Japanese candy to take back home with me, a popular chain store around Japan where you can pick up lots of snacks. This is a great area to try out some Kobe Beef or some Ramen like I did to not break the bank. 

There is actually an international airport in Osaka, so if you want to fly out from there instead of having to travel all the way back to Tokyo you can. Though I can never find any cheaper flights that go there myself and when I do they usually have an unappealing schedule (like a long really layover in another city). The one time I found one for around 700 USD, it had an extremely long layover in China. 


If I could change one thing I think I would spend a little less time in Tokyo and a little more time in Osaka and Kyoto both. It's pretty hard though because there's so much to see in Tokyo that even those extra days I spent there weren't enough to see everything I wanted to. But I got a great mix of historical and modern Japan. The thing about this country is that it's got so much to offer outside of the big cities that it truly needs a month of vacation time to really see it all. But if you're like me and only have about 8-9 days this was a great way to see the county for the first time. It definitely wasn't the last time. 
