
Los Power Rangers

Power Rangers (2017) When I first heard this movie was getting made, I let out a big sigh. Thinking about all the old 80's and 90's kid's shows that have been remade into movies these days will get you to do that. Hollywood seems to have a knack for taking beloved franchises and making them...


billboard Top 20: 3/25/17

Billboard Top 20: Week of March 25 Back to the world of pop music and radio hits this week. I decided to try something "new" and go up all the way to 20 this week because a lot of the songs in the Top 10 are the same songs I've talked about and I don't want to repeat myself too much. Hopefully I can make it through without too many problems, it seems like there's quite a few good songs around,...


Billboard Top 10 3/11/17

Billboard Top 10: 3/11/17 So it's been about two months since I've updated this list, hopefully enough time to see some big changes in the list. Things already look to be changing from last year, but the big question is are things better or worse from late 2016? Knowing pop music it's probably the same, but let's dive into the pool of mediocrity and wishful thinking.  1. Shape of You -...