
Billboard Top 10 3/11/17

Billboard Top 10: 3/11/17

So it's been about two months since I've updated this list, hopefully enough time to see some big changes in the list. Things already look to be changing from last year, but the big question is are things better or worse from late 2016? Knowing pop music it's probably the same, but let's dive into the pool of mediocrity and wishful thinking. 

1. Shape of You - Ed Sheeran

The big return of Ed Sheeran shooting to the number one spot with the release of his first single from his new big album coming soon. Much like Justin Bieber and Adele, Sheeran started releasing his singles very early in the year so you can pretty much bet that some of his new singles (definitely this one) will be playing all year long everywhere. But is that such a bad thing? No, not in this case. I do like this song, as a I do most Sheeran songs, but I can't say this is one my favorites. What I do like about it is the vocals, which Sheeran always has a great way to let his words flow very well along with the music. He always does a good job at making the vocals match the tone and theme of the song, and here it's no different it all works well. My only complaints are that the song reminds me too much of another song "Don't Wanna Know" musically. With the repetitive sounds throughout the song, and the music stays pretty much the same throughout. Though at least here Sheeran puts some life into the song where it needs it. Overall a good song that I totally understand being on the Top One spot and i'm okay with it too. So far it looks like another good album from Sheeran if the singles say anything about it. I really like "Castle on the Hill" the most so far, hopefully that can get higher on the charts too (66 spot now). "Shape of You" should continue to stay up here for a while, it's nice to have a good song up here.

2. Bad and Boujee - Migos

Going from good to bad right away. I feel the same way about this song since the last time. It's not good, and I will never find it good. I probably wouldn't hate this song if it weren't for those really annoying vocals at the end of every line yelling random words and making useless sound effects. The general flow of the song isn't terrible, at least during the verses. The lyrics aren't good though, but I guess that's not surprising here. Then things go from bad to terrible once Lil Uzi Vert comes in for the guest verse and sounds very confused about what he's supposed to be doing in this song. Then when he finally figures out that he's supposed to be rapping, he adds nothing special to this song. There's potential here, but it's wasted with dumb decisions, boring music and whoever Uzi Vert is.

3. I Don't Wanna Live Forever - Zayn and Swift

Much like the last Fifty Shades movie with the Weeknd, this song is the big crossover single from the movie that came out a few weeks ago this time with Swift and Zayn. The movie sucks yes, that's not anything that needs to be said here. As for the song... well it's pretty boring. Zayn's vocals are very annoying here, not sure why he decided to sing it the way he did, but it's not fun to listen to at all. Swift is sort of just there, because I guess she had to be for the movie's soundtrack. I don't know, it's just a boring song and I don't really have much to say... it's not bad or good, it's just meh. I get no emotions from this song at all or passion and chemistry either from Swift or Zayn, which I think makes it a perfect fit for a Fifty Shades of Grey movie since those lack any passion, romance, and chemistry as well. 

4. That's What I Like - Bruno Mars

Here to save the world from boring love songs like the last one comes Bruno Mars with my favorite song from this list. Over the past few months, the 24k Magic album has really grown on me and I think it's Bruno's best album so far. It's just so much fun to listen to and all the throwbacks to 80's artists haven't gotten old yet. It's definitely the most consistent album from  Mars, though it's far from perfect. This song is one of my favorites from the album and I was honestly surprised to see it jump all the to the top 7 spot and now the 4th spot. The vocals are always great from Bruno, the music is a very cool throwback to old style R&B from the late 80's early 90's with a little bit of new jack swing inserted. I just always have a good time putting this song on, because it's fun to listen to and catchy as hell. 

5. Closer - Chainsmokers

"Hey. I was doing just fine before I met you." My feelings toward this song explained by the song itself. What can I say about this song that hasn't already been said about regular bread. It's plain, it's boring, it's white. Still I can't complain about it's existence, because even I enjoy an ordinary piece of bread every now and then, and I don't get angry when other people do too. Not sure where I was going with this... I think I just need to eat something. 

6. Paris - Chainsmokers

As someone who's been to Paris a few times, I can promise you it's not as boring as this song makes it out to be. 

7. Love on the Brain - Rihanna Banana

A whole year after her last album and she's still releasing singles from it. I actually like this song quite a bit, It's got a cool retro feel to the music and of course Rihanna's vocals are good. It's very smooth and I can feel the emotion through the vocals unlike the chainsmokers. The cool violins in the background and the other little sounds elevate the song just a little more. Rihanna will always be a very hit or miss kind of artist to me and this one is one of those hits. She has a lot of talent and it's clear when I hear a song like this. One thing I respect is that she's not afraid to try different things and see what works, kinda wish more pop artists would be willing to do that.

8. Chained to the Rhythm - Katy Perry

The second big return of the year behind Sheeran, Katy Perry has returned to the pop charts with her new single. Look, I've never been a fan of Katy Perry, especially after her rise to pop stardom. Perry once was an artist with fun poppy songs who didn't play it so safe, now she seems to kinda do the same "positive" message songs over and over. The music in this song honestly isn't too bad, it can be catchy at times. The vocals and lyrics though are where it falls apart. It's just strange to hear a song about humans being very safe creatures who get way too comfortable with our safe lives and waste our lives from Katy Perry. Katy Perry who's been making safe pop songs for the past few years and hasn't taken a risk herself musically in a decade is singing about how we should take more risks and stop being so much like everyone else. The message is great, but when it just doesn't work when the artist who is singing it doesn't seem to understand her own message or follow it. A song like this was the perfect time for Katy Perry herself to take a risk, but she missed out on a great opportunity. Otherwise this song is just okay, made worse because of the lost message. 

9. Bounce Back - Big Sean

After that last song this was kinda the last thing I wanted to hear. Another lyrically and musically generic song from an artist that is capable of making much better. It's hard to say much about this, it's a decent song, but nothing special here that makes it stand out. It just feels very generic, at least until the end where the piano and the sound changes but by then it's kinda too late since the song is already over, Meh. 

Why is still here...I mean 10. Bad Things - Machine Gun Kelly

Where you out of your head, where you out of your mind?  
Was this was the only sample you could find? 
No it's okay, no need to explain it. 
There's just no way to defend it.

Yep still hate this song. 


Mostly boring songs this week, but lots of nice surprises like Sheeran, Mars, Rihanna and Katy Perry (sort of?). It was nice to see no Drake, no Black Beatles, no Maroon 5. Kinda made my it easier to listen through the songs. 


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