Good morn..after...eve... Hello everyone and welcome to part 4 of my adventure through pop music history and what now. Previously on this list I covered 21-30 and this week I will be covering NOT 31-40. There are a few songs on the list that I've never even heard before and I figured most people haven't heard them, so I'm going to skip them for now. So, sorry to those...
Justice League
***First thing I have to get out of the way before I start really talking about the movie... (I assume it's not a spoiler since it's in the trailers). Henry Cavill (Superman) appears in some flashbacks in the movie and it's extremely noticeable that the mustache he has in real life is being digitally...
The Greatest of All Time Pop Songs III: Katy Perry is a Serial Killer Edition
Back at it with part three of these "Greatest of All Time Pop Songs" list with numbers 21-30. Last time was sort of a mixed bag with mostly decent to good songs except that one Ke$ha song that was just.. amazing. This week was a little more all over the place with two songs I don't even remember ever hearing included.
21. Savage (no relation) Garden - Truly Madly Deeply
The 90's were truly...
The Florida Project
The Florida Project is a low budget film that takes place in the tourist area of central Florida. The film follows the daily life of a single mother (Halley) and her daughter (Moonee) living in a hotel, as Halley struggles with the responsibilities of being mother. Willem Dafoe plays the manager...
The Greatest of All Time Pop Songs II: Unnecessary Scat Edition.
The Greatest of All Time Pop Songs: 11-20
Welcome to part 2 (kind of) of my review of Billboard's greatest performing pop songs of all time! I was able to find a list on another site that i'm pretty sure is the same exact one as I was using last time. Billboard seems to have taken down the original page with the list they created, but at least now I can still continue...yay? Previously on the...
The Greatest of All Time Pop Songs (According to Billboard): Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa Edition
The Greatest of All Time Pop Songs: 1-10
So I was looking through the Billboard charts the other day while doing one of my reviews and I stumbled upon a list called "Greatest of All Time Pop Songs" and I thought, "Well this should be good". So what I found was a list of 100 best performing songs from the year 1992 till late 2017 and what a weird list it was indeed. So I'm just going to take a...