
The Greatest of All Time Pop Songs II: Unnecessary Scat Edition.

The Greatest of All Time Pop Songs: 11-20

Welcome to part 2 (kind of) of my review of Billboard's greatest performing pop songs of all time! I was able to find a list on another site that i'm pretty sure is the same exact one as I was using last time. Billboard seems to have taken down the original page with the list they created, but at least now I can still continue...yay? Previously on the list, I covered mostly rock hits from the early 00's and some from the 90's. I'm hoping things will go a bit differently this time around because I really don't want to listen to Nickelback and 3 Doors down anymore. I guess it could always be worse than those two bands though, imagine a Ke$ha song being on here...

11. Maroon 5 - One More Night

Starting things of with a more recent song, New Year's Day 2012 to be exact. That's right, Maroon 5 released this on the first day of the year. I guess it's good to get the bad music out the way as early in the year as possible. This album was the first album where Maroon 5 changed completely to pop, getting rid of any rock elements pretty much entirely. Yes, the music suffered greatly for it but the band became more popular than ever because of it as well. I don't think One More Night is a bad song though, it far better than anything from their next two albums and the other big single from this album "Payphone". It still has the presence of guitars, bass and drums that actually don't sound too bad. It's a damn catchy song that will easily get stuck in your head, so it's easy to see how it could end up being on this list I guess. While it might be catchy as hell, it is missing that Maroon 5 charm from their old albums, especially when it comes to the music. It's all just OKAY, it's missing that funky bass and interesting guitar parts of their older albums. Adam's voice just sounds so much better when he's being supported by interesting music and isn't the only focus of the song. Still comparing it to all the other pop songs of 2012, this one is probably one of the better ones.

12. Avicii - Wake Me Up (Inside?)

This is the first song on the list that I didn't know much about at first listen. It's confusing for me to see a song like this listed on the greatest of all time pop songs considering I don't think I've ever heard before. I have no memories of this song and I don't have any strong opinions on it. It's an okay song that isn't as interesting as I think it's trying to be. The folksy guitars paired with the loud EDM chorus works better than I would have thought it could. EDM just isn't something I ever took much interest in. It's something that I can't listen to for long without having to take a break from it. Maybe i'm just too old too get it?  I actually much prefer the acoustic version by Aloe Blacc, I think it works better with the softer instrumentals in-between the verses. I still don't really get why this is so high on the list above other iconic songs, but it was definitely a huge hit regardless of how I feel. It was in the top 20 best selling songs for two years in a row.

13. Ke Dollar-Sign Ha - Tik Tok

2010 Was a strange year for music and the fact that "Tik Tok" was the number one song of the year proves that. This song is obnoxious in every single way possible. The lyrics, the loud annoying music, the auto-tuned like crazy vocals and her delivery is just UGH. I can't listen to this song more than once, so I really have no idea how this got so much radio play and sales. It's weird though, because with all her obnoxious music she was able to score multiple hits on the charts and this one becoming one of the most successful songs of all time. Now when she actually drops the whole dumb party girl act and releases an album that's actually pretty damn good, she can't even score a song in the top 10. Makes me wonder just what people are looking for in their music these days. Was the fact that "Tik Tok" was so annoying the reason it was so popular? Was it because people played it to annoy their friends and family? Maybe Kesha really is a genius... In fact, I'm almost certain she is.

14. Goo Goo Dolls - Slide

I vaguely remember this song from my childhood, I know I heard it back then it was still on the radio. This song was a big hit back in '99, and I remember hearing it past that. I always find myself coming back to this song every now and it's always a treat. Though, when you listen to the lyrics the happiness this song gives doesn't really match with the topic here. The song is actually about a guy who gets a girl pregnant at a catholic school. The girl goes on to get an abortion and gets kicked out of the school, while the guy is confessing his love for her and trying to convince her to run away with him and get married. It's something I think pretty much everybody can relate too, maybe? I don't Know, It's a pretty heavy subject to be singing about in such a happy tone anyway. I guess it's supposed to be from the perspective of the guy who's madly in love. Besides all that crazy/creepy stuff, it's a great song with an interesting way to present such a messed up story.

15. Catholic Schoolgi-- i mean, Goo Goo Dolls - Name

Don't worry this one doesn't have anything to do with abortions and catholic schoolgirls...probably. It is a lot sadder though, and it shows through the music AND the lyrics this time. To me this song is all about growing older and becoming different people than we dreamed of being when we were younger. It seems to be coming directed at someone who is in pain, maybe from the realization that their dreams didn't come true or just that life isn't at all what you imagined when you were younger. It's a great song with good guitar work throughout and calmer, but still great vocals. The song slowly builds over time, eventually getting to a "happier" bridge towards the end. "Name" isn't a song I come back to very often, but it's a good rainy day song. As much as I hate to say, the Catholic schoolgirl song wins this round.

16. OneRepublic - Counting Them Stars

I mentioned this song on my last post, comparing it to the inferior "Apologize". OneRepublic was one of those bands that I could never see myself getting into when they were still new to the scene. They took a long break between their second album in 2009 and finally released a new album in 2014 with "Native". I wouldn't have paid it any attention, but once I heard the song "Counting Stars" I was very curious. Actually I didn't even realize it was OneRepublic when I heard it because it was such a cool song. This went on the be the best selling "rock" song of the year and 4th overall for 2014. It was an interesting year full of many newcomers hitting the top of the charts like; Sam Smith, Meghan Trainor, and Lorde. OneRepublic felt like a completely new act themselves with this album. This song was everywhere for quite a few months, and I never found myself getting tired of it. It's catchy, musically interesting and different than most pop songs in 2014.

17. Rihanna/Calvin Harris - We Found Love

THIS SONG IS okay. Both artists have done much better and much worse than this. It's catchy and the music isn't as annoying as other songs in this genre. The main problem I have with it is that it just seems to stay on the same level throughout it's whole run-time. There's a tiny pause near the halfway point, but besides that it doesn't really go anywhere, especially in the vocals. There's nothing much wrong with this song besides that. Passable vocals, lyrics and music make for a passable song.

18. Spin Doctors - Two Princes

I slowly scroll down the list of songs for this week and see the title Two Princes. "Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time" I whisper to myself. I listen to the song and I wonder to myself: "Is this song so bad it's good or just actually good"? "I'm pretty sure it's not good especially since I have no damn clue what this song is actually about". As If my confusion in the words wasn't enough, the song decides to breakout into the most unnecessary scat singing I've heard since Jason Mraz in "I'm Yours".

Just to be serious though, I actually like this song a bit. It's not something I would listen to frequently, maybe two or three times a year i'll put it on for nostalgia's sake. It has memorable music, especially the guitar and the solo and the melody is instantly recognizable and transports me to the 90's. There are probably 1,000 better rock songs from the 90's than this, but this still stands out as one of those memorable songs everyone remembers from that time. At least it's better than Dave Matthew, amirite?

19. Bruno Mraz - Locked Out of Heaven

When Bruno Mars first started getting big around 2010 I didn't much care for him. He made catchy pop songs that were very safe and just felt boring and generic. It wasn't until I heard the song "Locked Out of Heaven" from his second album that I really understood the talent that Bruno Mars had. Like many artists, it takes some risks in trying new things and really using your talent to really hit your stride. Bruno Mars did that when he started taking inspiration from other artists like The Police, James Brown, Boys II Men and Michael Jackson and putting it into his music. The songs don't feel like rip-offs, but they feel like homages to artists that Bruno clearly loves and takes inspiration from. "Locked Out of Heaven" has a great 80's vibe with some new modern ideas thrown in. Those two elements combine to make one of the best selling pop songs of 2013 in a year where there were an above average amount of good pop songs. I doubt that Bruno could ever be a part anything better than this song though. Not even a throwback to the old-school funk days could accomplish that. Never. 

20. Mark Ronson/Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk

Yeah I should have seen this one coming... Here is one of the best pop songs that's been made at least in the last decade. A song that came out of nowhere and stole the hearts of anybody who still has one to steal, because if you don't love this song you have no heart and you're dead inside. Everything about this song just works so well. Bruno comes across as someone who's having the time of his life singing this song and the music matches that mood so well. This song spent 14 weeks at the top spot and was the number one song overall for the year 2015 with 56 overall weeks on the hot 100 chart. This song was around for over a year in the charts, which is pretty insane. It just has so much staying power, more than I think any song has this decade. It never got old, it just kept going and going and it's still fun to listen to almost three years later. The funny part about this is, I couldn't tell you a single song other than "Uptown Funk" from that album. I don't think anyone really can without looking it up. This album had one of the most popular songs EVER and 10 other tracks that nobody will ever talk about. It's a hard act to follow for sure, but maybe Ronson can make lightning strike twice in the future. Doubt it.

That's all for this time... Here's a preview for next time:
I'll Stand with you on a mountain
Wonder if you'll call me superman
Make you my Aphrodite
Won't be able to breath for the first time
Confess I still believe
Let you touch my love for free
Play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Be your only even if the sky is falling
[Some stupid Black Eyed Peas song]
Talk for hours (and hours) about the sweet and the sour.

Bonus points if you know any of those songs. The second one is pretty obvious though... 


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