
Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

The 4th movie in the DC:EU released just this weekend and it was huge. DC has been struggling to release a movie that is loved by general audiences, DC fans and critics and Wonder Woman really seemed like it was going to be the one to do that. I myself haven't loved any of the DC:EU films up to this point, Suicide Squad being one of my least favorite movies of last year (with the worst Joker ever). Not to say I don't want to see DC succeed, because I actually do want them to. I have more of a connection with the DC characters as I spent more time with them in my life from the comics, animated shows, live action movies and shows and video games. I had high hopes for Wonder Woman going in and I really wanted to start to get excited for DC's movies again. So did the film deliver?

This film far exceeded expectation, and I think it probably helped that I went in it knowing that it was possible that it could be another flop for DC. That didn't take away anything from the movie though, because it really had everything that all those other DC movies were missing. This film had great humor, characters, story, chemistry, acting, design and it had heart. It didn't feel like a soul-less and dark movie like a lot of the DC movies did, but it had great energy and emotion. Gal Gadot plays Wonder Woman way better than anyone would have ever though when she was first cast as the part. She does a great job at making you believe she is Wonder Woman with the strength, heart, kindness, innocence and purpose. Chris Pine is also great in the movie as Steve Trevor, a WWI Officer who happens to crash land in the home island of Wonder Woman, he and Gal Gadot have good chemistry and work really well together in the film. Lots of great humor and heartfelt moments come from the two main characters, they are really great to watch. 

The movie is basically the origins of Wonder Woman (or her real name Diana) and how she found herself leaving her home Themyscira (an island that is hidden away from the rest of the world where the Amazons live). The story follows her and Steve as they go back to the heart of WWI to take out a German General and a crazy doctor before they make a deadly chemical weapon that can wipe out entire cities. Along the way Diana discovers her true purpose becoming the Wonder Woman we know from the Batman V Superman film (not really a spoiler I guess?). 

One of the best parts about the movie is that it's not connected to any of the DC:EU films for the most part. It just focuses on Diana and it doesn't try to set up upcoming movies or characters. The only connection is a photograph from the Batman V Superman film that connects to the story of this WWI movie. It's nice to see another comic book movie that isn't just made to set up another movie or filled with cameos. 

In the end, Wonder Woman is a very good comic book movie that really does justice (no pun) to the character. It does a great job at getting you to like Diana and to learn more about who she is and why she does what she does. I really hope this isn't just a "fluke" and that the momentum from this great movie continues into the next DC movie. With Justice League around the corner, maybe it's finally time to get the DC we've been wanting to see. 

Overall Grade: A-
A really enjoyable film with not too many dull moments. The beginning of the movie started off pretty slow, but most of it made sense to the movie and it never felt like time was being wasted. The action was good and high energy, but the special effects and CG were kinda distracting at times. Also used that overused action cliche where scene goes into slow motion for a few seconds and goes back into an action, it's getting old. BUT besides that... Wonder Woman has set the new standard for the DC:EU and now it's up to the studio to keep it up. 

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