
Billboard Hot 100 Summer Update: The Why Bother Edition

Billbored Cold 100 Update

It's been a few months since the last time I checked up on the pop music scene and the billboard charts... Usually I wait this long so that there's enough time for it to change and I won't have to talk about the same songs over and over again. Not surprisingly, the charts haven't moved much (at least not the top 10 anyway) since my last encounter with the pop musiczzz. There was something pretty big that happened a few weeks ago though, and it has something to do with Spanish music. Turns out the biggest song of the summer is a song from the fictional island of Puerto Rico (I think it's said to be located inside the Bermuda Triangle somewhere, but it's not proven) which is a pretty big deal in the music world. Why is it a big deal? Well because the last Spanish song to do this was the famous Macarena back in '93 (sounded more like gibberish to me, but it turns out it actually was Spanish). Not sure why out of all the Spanish music that has come out in the last 24 years this one was the only one to make it, but... well it's pretty crazy. The craziest part to me was when I saw the name Daddy Yankee attached, now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I always knew Daddy Yankee as the guy who made the same song over and over and over again and somehow still held his popularity fairly well, but I guess that was because the music scene in Puerto Rico was and probably still is much different than over here. Reggaeton was always a big deal over there as long as I can remember and it always seemed to be around whenever I got the chance to go over there. I myself never got the appeal of it... I think it was the whole concept of the rhythm always being the same in almost every song, along with a cut and paste beat that seemed to be never ending in the music. Honestly though, I think the charts really needed something like this right now, while for me it might be something I've heard many many times growing up, it's really nice to see it in the mainstream USA charts at the number one spot. When I first saw this had made it to the top 10 I was pretty shocked that a song like this could have enough popularity here to do that. I think people were just desperate for something different, with a little more danceable music versus all the sad songs and electronic drop choruses we've been getting over and over again in the pop charts. It's summer! It's a perfect song to play in the hot sun with friends, at a party and have a little dance (as long as it's not the Justin Bieber version, because just no.)

The rest of the Top 10 is a mix of songs that have been there for months and I'm tired of hearing by now (except Bruno Mars, still enjoying that song every now and then) or new music that sounds like very generic same ol' same ol' laziness. In other news, Katy Perry dropped her new album, and it seems like no one cared at all. None of the songs from her new album even hit the top 100, except the two that were already there (Chained to the Rhythm and Bon Appetit) which are on the lower side of the charts. None of her songs are in the Spotify top 50, her album is already 17th in the iTunes charts and only a few songs on the iTunes top charts, but they are all low. I guess it's just nice that people aren't buying into something just because it has a famous name behind it, which is something I've really been wanting to see more of. Katy Perry has all the resources to make a great album, with great music and memorable lyrics. Instead she makes another "meh" album with two or three good songs and 12 forgettable songs. Thankfully just a week later we got the return of another big star in Lorde with "Melodrama", which was a surprisingly good.

And that's my update on the pop music world that you didn't ask for. What a time to be alive. Spanish music is hitting the charts, Katy Perry is forgotten, Justin Bieber in a song makes it an instant hit, Post Malone is a thing, Childish Gambino might make it to the top 10, and Daddy Yankee IS still alive. Go figure.


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