
Favorite Songs Part I: The Slow Edition

Favorite Songs Part I: The Slow Edition

Music is known as something that can help us express emotions and help us sometimes even understand our own emotions better. It's something that can bring you up and fill you with energy and also bring you down and help you relax or even feel sad. Everyone probably has a few special songs that they use to help them connect to a specific emotion. Certain songs that you go back to when you want to feel sad, want to express your excitement or maybe help calm you down. I though I would talk about some songs that do that for me. Songs that every listen I can get something out of it, even if it's the 100th or 1000th time. This time it will be slower, "sadder" songs because I always love a good slow song. In a lot of ways I really prefer slower songs to faster songs, mostly because I feel it's harder to find a great slow song that can be listened to multiple times and get more out of. For me it's easier to love a faster song and it takes a something special to get the same from a slower song. (playlist at the bottom of the page)

Copeland - Good Morning Fire Eater

Right away from the first note played in this song I'm always drawn in. "Gets me every time." It's a very simple intro to a song, but I think that's what I love most about it. That same line continues through the song as more instruments come in and the song builds. The drums really stand out in this song as well, lots of energy in the last part of the song sounds really great. There aren't many lyrics, but the few there are work well to get the point. I feel this song is just about not focusing on the painful part of life and all the things that hurt you or bother you, but to understand that it's part of life and to move past it. It's something everyone will be able to relate to and it's done well here.

Bloc Party - Like Eating Glass

Another great intro, one of my favorites in any song. The fading guitar, the fast picking on the bass note, then the drums with the beat that gets stuck in my head so fast. All the instruments stand out in the song so well, all doing very unique things and it still comes together so amazingly. I wasn't sure if this is really a "slower" song, since it's so full of energy BUT it for sure is a sadder song. This song might be interpreted in many ways, but I think it's about living in a broken home. The feeling of pain and loneliness that comes with living in a broken home, depression, recently becoming a single parent maybe, finding it hard to be home afterwards. It's a pretty tough subject, but it's done well musically and lyrically and make for a very memorable song that I've been listening to for over 10 years and still love more with each listen.

Paper Route - Sugar

I think the running theme here is great intros, because here is another song with an intro that gets me every time. There's just something about the piano along with the opening lines of the song that work so well, I don't even know how to describe it. The build up in the bridge is also great, where the song pretty much explodes into an intense declaration. The lyrics are very poetic and beautiful, with some great metaphors. I would say this is the kind of love song I can get behind, it's actually one of my Top 3 songs at the very least of all time. The best lyric here is "If I'm the great sea, you're what I'm reflecting. Blue in the evening."

Young the Giant - Firelight

This is a very special kind of slow song. It's incredibly soothing and has a very unique atmosphere to it. It's so easy to get lost in this song and the beautiful instrumentation and lyrics. The previous songs had more relatable messages about pain, love and loneliness, but this song is more about the experience you feel when listening to it I think. It's a very unique song that I think everyone should give a listen to at least once. Feels. I still don't really know what the song is actually about to be honest. For now I think it's about death possibly, or that's the way I interpret the lyrics myself. Either way, it's quite the experience. The guitars in the chorus are so captivating it's hard to imagine how they came up with something so amazing. My favorite line has to be "Is this the end of the sea, staring at me?"...really makes me think.

John Mayer -  Stop This Train

This song is probably about one of John Mayer's many ex girlfriends. No but really, I do love this song a lot and it has a lot to do with Mayer great guitar work on it. The main focus of the song is the guitar and he does a great job as always to make it stand out. What I love the most though is the lyrics, since it's yet another song that anyone can relate to. A song about the fear of time passing, growing old, finding a way to be happy or make the most of the place you're in and living life to the fullest. It all sounds kinda cliche when I write it out loud, but it feels like the most real John Mayer can get in a song. I love the line "So scared of getting older, I'm only good at being young." it perfectly sums up the fear of getting older. It's a great song to listen to when you just want to reminisce about the past or want to have a thoughtful moment.

Civilian - New Love

This is a newer song, but it quickly grew to be one of my favorites. It does a really great job at describing the feeling of "new love", with really great lyrics and of course great music. Love the lead guitar in this song, lots of little touches add so much to the feeling that the song is trying to get across. The line "I'm fairly certain, this only happens once in a lifetime. To take it or leave it is simple." is my favorite in the song. It just does a great job at not only giving the feeling of "new love" but also a great job at describing it from first person. 


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