

Hereditary is the lastest movie by A24 studios and newcomer director Ari Aster. A24 has quickly become a studio that I look out for every year for new great original movies. They've helped bring out great movies like Lady Bird, Ex Machina, Disaster Artist, Moonlight and so much more. Hereditary is a horror movie centered around the Graham family. When Annie's (Toni Collette) mother passes away she is left to deal with her mixed feelings about her mother. There was a lot about her mother that she didn't know and her passing begins a series of events that will make her question everything. Really that's all I can say without spoiling anything and if you are going to watch this movie it's probably better that you know little to nothing about the story.

Now I myself have never really been into horror, but since I'm been doing these reviews I thought it would be good to step into something new. What I got was a really well made horror movie that did what it was supposed to do: scare me. It does a great job at slowly building the tension and horror and it takes a little while to get started, but once it does it just keeps getting more intense every minute. The movie is really nice to look at and everything is presented very well. My favorite thing about it was that it didn't resort to jump scares in order to scare me or make me uncomfortable. Instead it uses the atmoshphere, acting and situations the characters are facing to make me really uncomfortable in a way that it's trying to do. The way things just keep building and building just work so well that by the end of the movie I kind of just wanted it to end so I can go back to feeling comfortable.

The acting was really awesome though and it really helped make every scene that much better when the cast is acting their butts off. Toni Collette, Milly Shapiro, Alex Wolff, Grabriel Byrne and Ann Dowd all do a great job at playing their characters and making the story work. Because of them you really believe what's happening is real and the way they react makes it that much scarier and meaningful. Really the only thing I wasn't a big fan of was the ending, but I can't really get into that without ruining the movie. There are still many scenes that I think I will remember for a while though, because of how effective they were (in a good way).

Despite the ending though, I thought this was a great horror movie that didn't feel cheap in it's scares. It earns every moment of uneasyness that I felt with good storytelling and acting and great visuals. I don't regret giving this movie a chance because I had a good time watching it...as good of a time one could have being tense and unsettled throughout a whole movie. If you are a fan of horror this is definitely something you should see for yourself. It definitely opened my mind to watching more horror movies in the future.

Overall Grade: B+

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