
My Feelings on Star Wars/Disney

In 1977, a little film by the name Star Wars was released to the public, needless to say it changed the landscape of film forever. The first Star Wars movie became one of the most successful films of all times, and the multiple sequels that followed would make much the same impact. Star Wars is one of the most beloved franchises of all time and continues to be to this day. What was it that made it stand out? To me it was the mix of adventure with some of the most memorable characters of all time. Characters that I grew to love after just one movie and continued to grow with each sequel. I've always loved works of fiction that create an entirely unique world that can be explored in hundred of different ways, like Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, The Elder Scrolls, and Game of Thrones to name a few.

The Original Star Wars trilogy introduced us to the story of a young man who is trying to find his purpose in life, more than the boring life he has been given on a lonely desert planet. Throughout the movie you get little hints of other really interesting stories that you want to know more about like the Jedi, smugglers and the Clone Wars. The movies do a good job at making you feel like the galaxy that they take place in is full of endless stories and introducing you to unique visuals to set it apart from our own world, or any other fictional world. Lightsabers, X-Wings, AT-AT Walkers, Storm Troopers, droids and aliens are all things that we associate with the Star Wars universe and instantly take us back to those original movies that we all love. With the end of the trilogy in Return on the Jedi, Star Wars went away for a long time. Between the original trilogy and the prequels we got lots of side stories in the form of books, comics and video games that kept us invested in the world of Star Wars. Those stories explored not only the characters that we loved already, but introduced and expanded on other characters that weren't featured in the movies. It wasn't until 1999 that we would see another Star Wars movie again.

The prequels have basically become a joke/meme to most Star Wars fans and movie-goers at this point, and a lot of people generally dislike them because of how they presented the story of Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth Vader. There are lots of things that I still like about the movies, even though I know they aren't good. The visuals were still great at the time and all the new additions to the universe were interesting to see, not always good, but interesting. I actually really liked the movies when I was younger, but as I got older the flaws became more obvious and hard to ignore. The terrible writing was the thing that seemed to hurt the movies the most. A lot of the dialog in the movies is just boring or stupid. The romance between Anakin and Padme isn't believable because of the zero chemistry between them and Anakin's dialog makes him come across as an immature creep. But hey, Revenge of the Sith was pretty good. After the prequels, Star Wars movies seemed to be pretty much dead for many years, with not sign of any coming out or being developed. Then in 2012, Disney announced that it was buying Lucasfilm and it was going to start production on a new Star Wars trilogy... the world went crazy.

Like everyone who grew up watching Star Wars, I was incredibly excited to see what Disney was going to do with the Star Wars movies and what kind of new stories they would tell. The announcement was made that the new trilogy would be a sequel to the original movies and would be bringing back all of the main cast for the first time in decades. December 2015 finally came and everyone went to watch the new Star Wars, The Force Awakens, breaking opening weekend records and making Disney even more money than they already have. It was a great movie that borrowed heavily from it's predecessor A New Hope, but it felt necessary to bring people back after the prequels. But before all of this happened, Disney had announced that it would be releasing a new Star Wars movie every year for the next decade or longer. Force Awakens was just the start of Disney's new film series.

Star Wars movies always felt like something special, something that only happens once a generation. The trilogy movies would come out at least three years apart before Disney, and now they would be coming every single year. You could say that this is a great thing, I mean just look at what Disney is doing with Marvel. Marvel movies are released 2-3 times a year now, and all of them are pretty huge hits financially and critically, so this should be good for Star Wars too right? Well they aren't really the same thing, as Marvel is a company that has hundreds of characters and stories all with different styles and genres of comics. As we've seen with Marvel, we can get many different movies with very different styles a year. Just look at the past year, we've gotten Black Panther, Spider-Man Homecoming, and Thor Ragnarok which all have a different style from each other and tell very different stories. With Star Wars, all we've seen so far from Disney is stories that take place in the timeline following characters and stories we already know, not going too far from the well known formula. Rouge One was the first Star Wars spin-off ever, and yet it took place in the same story that we've been following in all the Star Wars movies. Now the second spin-off Solo, is yet another movie that does that same thing. Instead of trying something new and traveling to a new place in the Star Wars universe we get another prequel story about a character we don't really need a prequel to. I really can't wait for Star Wars to move away from the bubble that they keep themselves in, but I guess there really isn't a reason to when they keep making so much money. I hope to see more risks like in The Last Jedi, where even though it didn't always work, at least they were trying new things. We'll always have the original movies from 70's and 80's, it's time to try something new and explore the world outside of those movies. Disney has announced now that they will be making a new trilogy after Episode IX, one that takes place in a completely different part of the universe than all of the movies so far. Hopefully these movies will be the thing to get me excited about Star Wars again, and bring a fresh take on the series. I want to be excited about Star Wars again, but for now I will wait to see what these new stories are going to be.

Hopefully i'm not the only one who feels this way, and hopefully all of that made some sense. 

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