
Top Movies of 2018

2018 came and went about as fast as everyone wanted it to. It was an interesting year for entertainment, especially in the movie side of things. While in a lot of art seemed to be very mediocre this year (mostly music), there were still plenty of great movies that I really enjoyed watching. There didn't seem to be a lot of amazing things out there, but still enough to be able to make a list like this. There were a lot of movies that I hoped would have been a lot better but ended up being very disappointing. Movies like Aquaman, Tomb Raider, and Star WarsSolo were not as good as I hoped, but still entertaining in a lot of ways. Other movies like A Wrinkle in Time and Pacific Rim Uprising ended up being huge disappointments that I really disliked. But this list isn't about the bad ones, it's about the good ones. The movies that I loved and that I will watch again and again over time. Movies that stayed with me weeks after I watched them and inspired me. So here are the TOP 10 movies of 2018 (in my opinion).  Note that I haven't seen every movie of 2018 and will eventually try to see a lot of the good films I missed.

Honorable Mentions:

Call Me By Your Name: This movie technically came out in late 2017, but I didn't get a chance to see it until January 2018. It's been a whole year since I've seen this movie, but I still remember it pretty clearly. It was different than anything else I've seen this year. It was a beautiful movie from the storytelling, pacing, cinematography, acting, to the writing. It all worked together to make a great slow paced romance between two characters that had great chemistry.

Thoroughbreds: A little movie that came out earlier this year. It was a really unique movie about two teen girls who are planning to kill one of their annoying step-fathers. The story is meant to be a dark comedy and it really worked thanks to the great performances and the acting. It goes to places you don't expect it to go.

Love, Simon: A movie about a high schooler coming out of the closet didn't sound like a very unique idea when I first heard about this movie. It actually ended up being a really good movie in the end. While the subject matter has been done before in other ways, this movie did it in a way that felt very honest and heartfelt.

 Juliet, Naked: Judging by the title, I thought this going to be a raunchy adult comedy. It actually isn't anything close to that. What it actually is though, is a really great romantic comedy movie. It's the story of a married couple who are struggling in their marriage. The big reason why is because the husband is obsessed with a musician named Tucker Crowe who release only one album before disappearing. That album was named "Juliet, Naked". The wife happens to meet Tucker Crowe and she begins getting close to him. It ends up being a nice heartfelt story with memorable performances.

Hearts Beat Loud: I randomly stumbled upon this movie and ended up really enjoying it. It's about a father (who's played by Nick Offerman) and daughter who start an indie band together. Features some really good original music and it's a short and sweet movie about love, loss, and passion.

Won't You Be My Neighbor: One of the best documentaries I've seen in a long time. Fred Rogers was an amazing human being and his story is one of the most inspiring out there.

Three Identical Strangers: Speaking of great documentaries, this one was a nice surprise. The true story of three college kids who find out they were triplets separated at birth. What starts off a nice family reunion turns into a much darker story about experiments and secrets.

Roma: If you have a Netflix account give this movie a chance. It's a really beautifully made movie and it's worth a watch.

Sorry to Bother You: The less you know going into this movie the better your experience will be watching it. All I can say is that it went to places I would have never would have imagined. My jaw literally dropped at the places this movie went. Not everyone will like that aspect of the movie, but I really think it's worth a try.

I, Tonya: So I kept this movie out of my top ten mostly because it technically came out December 2017. This was the first movie I went out to see in 2018 and it's still one of the best movies I've seen this year. If it had come out in 2018 it would be on my list without question.

Crazy Rich Asians: A movie that I think a lot of people really loved, rightfully so. It was a full Asian cast movie that really paid respect to Chinese culture, while also poking some fun at it. It had some great performances by some new faces and some familiar ones. Awkwafina stole every scene she was in and hopefully gets bigger roles because of this.

Now for the ACTUAL top 10 list!

10. Blindspotting

I wasn't really sure what this was going to be when I started watching it. I knew that the story revolved around police violence against defenseless African-Americans, but I wasn't exactly sure how it was going to play out. It ended up being a really strong movie that was able to have moments of great humor that didn't take away from the strong emotional moments that hit throughout the movie. It tackles a subject that's still very relevant in the United States in a way that helped open my eyes to how people that are affected by it feel every day. The movie builds to a finale that has one of the most powerful scenes of the year. 

9. A Star is Born

I thought this movie would be higher on the list, but over time I think its effect on my has simmered down a bit. I still really enjoyed watching this movie from start to finish though. It had a great performance by Lady Gaga, who I think deserves all the praise she's getting from it. Bradley Cooper was also great, but I think that's less of a surprise because he's an established actor. It had some great original music, which helped elevate the performance scenes. Overall a memorable movie with some really great moments and performances.

8. Infinity War

It's hard to put it much higher on the list since it's only one half of a movie and we still don't know how the rest of the story plays out. It has shocking moments that I still can't take too seriously since I don't think Marvel Studios is going to stick by most of them. Besides that though, this was everything that it needed to be as an introduction to Thanos and his master plan. It was had a very different tone compared to most other Marvel movies which was really cool to see. Every character got the perfect amount of screen time and it was really awesome to see some fire time meetups on screen. I can't wait to see how it all plays out in the finale in a few months. 

7. Hereditary

It isn't too often that a horror movie makes this list, but this movie deserves to be up here. It was a truly creepy and uncomfortable experience. The acting was phenomenal, which isn't something you can say a lot in horror films. The best part was that the movie didn't rely on cheap tactics and jump scares to make you feel fear. It relied on its atmosphere and performances to really bring in the scares. It also has one of the most memorable scenes I've probably ever seen (the car scene, if you know it). 

6. BlacKkKlansman

This was a really great movie with some awesome performances. It was uncomfortable sitting through a lot of the KKK scenes, but it was good that the movie didn't hold back from that part of the story. It also had a good sense of humor to relieve some of the tension that came from the those KKK meeting scenes. It felt oddly topical for a movie that takes place many decades ago. 

5. Black Panther

This is one of the best Marvel movies ever made and that's really saying something when you see how great their catalog is. Ryan Coogler directed the crap out of this movie and made something really special, unique, and memorable. The performances were awesome, the visuals were awesome, the villain was awesome and the action was fun. It's also a really important movie that has inspired many people around the world. 

4. Upgrade

I love sci-fi movies probably more than any other genre, so when a movie like this comes out of nowhere it always puts me in a great mood. This movie had a cool story, great action scenes, a cool atmosphere and a weird sense of humor that I really enjoyed. It was full of surprises as well, some that I didn't see coming at all. Probably the most surprisingly good movie of the year.

3. Mission Impossible: Fallout

Tom Cruise does it again. The Mission Impossible movies somehow keep getting better and better and it's kind of crazy considering how good the last few have been. This one was full of fantastic action sequences, cool performances, a really nice Henry Cavill mustache, and Tom Cruise putting his life on the line to get some great shots. It was non-stop fun with some cool character moments for Ethan Hunt. I'd never thought I'd be so excited to see two more of these movies, but I can't wait to see what else they can pull out of their crazy minds.

2. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

It was a really tough choice between this one and the one that actually was my favorite movie of the year. Honestly, I'd probably put them in a tie but that wouldn't be as interesting. This movie got everything right though. The animation was the most interesting and unique animation all year long. The story was fantastic and the voice acting was perfect. The humor worked pretty much 100% of the movie, with lots of great references to other Spider-Man works. It had great attention to detail and it showed how much the creators cared about not only making a great movie but making a great SPIDER-MAN movie. The fact that this was the best comic movie the same year that Black Panther and Infinity War came out shows how awesome this movie truly was.

and the number one movie is...

1. Annihilation

This is the kind of movie that stays with you after you watch it. It's a highly detailed movie full of so much that it takes more than one watch to really get everything it has to offer. It leaves you wondering about its many bizarre scenes and themes way after it's over. The best part is that it's all presented in a beautiful sci-fi landscape full of wonder and terror mixed into one. It's a beautifully creepy movie with some the best visuals of the year. While a lot of people might not like what it has to offer, I'd say you should at least give it a chance. 



2019 Movie Preview

2018 is officially dead and buried and boy what a year it was. It was indeed a year. When it came to movies of 2018, there were a lot of good and bad ones (my favorite movies of 2018 coming soon). 2019 has a LOT of movies to be excited about, so like last year I thought I would list some of the more interesting ones and some of the obvious ones (Disney). There's a lot of potential for some great movie-going experiences and I hope all of these movies live up to the hype or exceed it.

Jan 11: Replicas

January is usually a slow month for movies, but the last few years there have been some surprisingly decent movies (Paddington 2 and Split from 2018 and 2017). This looks like one of those movies that could be a nice surprise or a big letdown. The premise seems interesting enough, Keanu Reeves plays a scientist whose family dies in a car crash. He uses futuristic technology from his lab to recreate them as robots that look and act exactly like them as if they had never died. It looks like it could be an entertaining sci-fi thriller, but it's also being made by the creators of Transformers and Passengers, which aren't great movies. Still, it's got Keanu Reeves in it, which automatically makes it worth giving it a watch. 

Jan 18: Glass

The first big movie of the year is also the sequel to a surprise hit from January 2017, Split. This movie picks up where the last one left off, connecting it to the story of M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable. All the characters from both films meet up to bring the story together into what looks like a big showdown between the heroes and villains. Not really sure how this is going to play out, but I'm very excited to watch this movie, which is the first time in many years I've said that about a Shyamalan movie. He really needs to knock this one out of the park in order to show everyone that he is truly back and ready to make great films again. I'm rooting for him. 

Feb 8: Lego Movie 2

Back when the first movie was announced, I don't think anyone had high hopes for it. A movie about Legos sounded like something that wouldn't work as a movie and would come off as just a big advertisement. It ended up being one of the funniest and well crafted animated movies of the year in 2014, and it had some pretty strong competition. Judging from the trailers, this looks to be more of the same style of humor and crazy animation, which is not a bad thing at all. If the writing is as good as the first one, this will be another great movie. Though, I think they need to slow down with these lego movies a bit. It already feels like they put them out too frequently and it could start to get old. 

Feb 14: Alita / Fighting With My Family

ALITA: I actually talked about Alita in my preview for 2018 early last year. This movie was supposed to be released around Christmas week of 2018 but was thankfully pushed until Feb 2019. This gives it a much better chance of actually being watched since it won't have as much competition as it would have last month in December. I still have no idea how to feel about this movie. The animation looks incredibly detailed to kind of a scary point. Hopefully, it won't be as distracting as it seems to see her interact with human actors. This could turn out to be a really cool movie, but I'm not going in with high expectations... just in case.

FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY: As for Fighting With My Family, this one is interesting because of the subject matter. The movie is based on the life of WWE professional wrestler Paige's life and how her entire family are wrestlers from the UK. It's being made by The Rock's film studio partnered with the WWE. It's got an interesting cast and the story is a really interesting one based on a really cool person. 

Feb 22: How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

The third installment of the very popular franchise is coming early next year. Can't say I'm incredibly excited to go back into this world, but I have a feeling this movie will be a fine movie. I'd say that about all the How to Train Your Dragon movies... they are fine. Finding a love interest for Toothless seems like the most obvious choice for what could be the last movie. 

Mar 8: Captain Marvel

The first of 100 Marvel movies of 2019 is here! Captain Marvel will bridge the two Avengers movies by taking us back to the '90s. The story looks to focus on the amnesia that Carol has as she battles with aliens and shoots lasers out of her hands or something. Honestly, I'm trying to go into this with as little info as possible, because I want to be surprised. I think it's safe to trust Marvel at this point with its characters and I'm sure they will do this right and get us even movie excited for Endgame. I could always be wrong though... ! ? ! ... ?

Mar 22: Dumbo / Captive State

DUMBO: The first of three Disney live-action remakes this year, Dumbo! Tim Burton is going to be directing this one which has me slightly concerned. Burton is a legendary director no doubt, but the last decade he hasn't really put out any great movies, except maybe Frankenweenie? Dumbo has a strong cast behind it and of course all the money that Disney is throwing at it. Disney remaking every single one of its popular animated classics in "live-action" format hasn't really been working for me. The only one so far that I really liked was The Jungle Book, which is also one of the classic Disney movies that I didn't really have a big connection with from childhood. Another classic Disney movie that I don't have a strong connection with also happens to be Dumbo, so maybe there's a higher chance that I will like this one?

CAPTIVE STATE: The other movie this week is the big-budget sci-fi movie Captive State. This one looks like a weird cross between The Purge and the Cloverfield series. A world where aliens have taken over and created a crime free world through what looks like torture and fear tactics. The main reason I have any interest in this is that it's coming from the director of the recent Rise Planet of the Apes movie, which was an awesome start to an awesome trilogy. 

Apr 5: SHAZAM!

I really need this movie to be good. After so many disappointing DC movies, I really need to just see something that actually works as a complete movie. This one looks to have a lot of potential and also looks like it could be a really fun movie that doesn't take itself too seriously. If this movie just focuses on great characters and an easy to follow story without tons of exposition, I think it could be really good. My hopes are high for this movie and it's opening on a comic book heavy month, so hopefully, it isn't overshadowed and forgotten quickly. 

Apr 12: Hellboiiii / Missing Link

HELLBOY: It's crazy to think it's already been 10 years since the last Hellboy movie came out. The previous Hellboy movies were actually good, though had a lot of flaws in them. Casting David Harbour as Hellboy was a really cool choice and it looks like they are going to try to focus a lot on over the top action and humor. It looks like a great popcorn movie, like the first Guardians movie and the latest Thor movie.

MISSING LINK: The follow up to the movie that inspired me to start writing these mediocre movie reviews (Kubo and the Two Strings). This movie looks so beautifully animated, I'm definitely going to have to watch this movie on the biggest screen possible and the highest quality possible. The story looks a lot goofier than Kubo and will probably be a lot more light-hearted. The movie will center around a Bigfoot-like creature that can speak our language. He teams up with an explorer to try to find others like him and possibly mind a new link between Bigfoot and humans. 

Apr 19: Under the Silver Lake

Andrew Garfield stars in the next movie by the awesome A24 film studio. This movie looks pretty insane in all the right ways. Garfield's character Sam meets a woman, who happens to be his neighbor, and they really hit it off. He goes over to her place the next day to find that she has completely disappeared and is nowhere to be found. What follows looks to be a bunch of quirky adventures as Sam tries to find the missing girl by any means necessary. Movies like these are the ones I always feel the most excited for. An original movie with an interesting premise, that looks like nothing I've ever seen before. April is shaping up to be a great month for movies.

Apr 26: Avengers Endgame

Do I even have to say anything? The answer is no, but I'm gonna do it anyway. This is most likely gonna be the highest selling movie of the year, with only the next Star Wars possibly being any form of competition. It's not really competition when Disney happens to own both of these series though. There's a lot of questions going into Endgame, and I'm still not convinced we are going to get all the answers from this movie. All I know is that Marvel Studios seems like it can do no wrong and I don't think they are going to start making misfires at this point. 

May 10: Detective Pikachu

I could have sworn that this movie was just a very strange dream I had, but no it's actually real and happening. I still don't know how to feel about this movie, to be honest. The lead actor looks kind of... unconvincing. Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu is also a pretty weird casting choice. There were parts in the trailer that excited me and also worried me. It looks like it's going to be a fun movie overall and hopefully, those casting choices end up working in the full movie. Video game movies still haven't really gone anywhere. Last year's Tomb Raider film was a decent one and maybe this one will continue the streak? Although that streak won't be lasting long since there's another one of these coming out late in the year and it looks.... well.... we'll get to that later. 

May 17: John Wick 3

The first John Wick movie was one of the biggest surprises of 2014 and it really put Keanu Reeves back on the map as a big action movie star. The second one upped the stakes and somehow improved on the great first film. This next one looks to continue that trend by sending every assassin after John Wick, as he tries to escape with his life. The John Wick series has really put Keanu back on as a top action star/movie star. I'm not sure how many more of these we're gonna get, but this is one series I'll keep on watching.

May 24: Aladdin

As I mentioned before, this whole Disney remaking all of their classics as live-action movies isn't really working for me so far. The difference between this and Dumbo is that I actually have a strong connection to the original Aladdin. The original animated movie was a game changer for Disney and the way they made movies. It introduced a new style of humor, using pop culture references in a setting where they don't technically belong. In that movie, it worked because of the good writing and the iconic performance by Robin Williams as the Genie. I'm hoping that they don't try to do that in this new remake and instead try something new, especially with the Genie. Will Smith is a good actor, who hasn't really been in many good movies recently. I don't think I can say a lot of people are super excited to see him as Genie, but that leaves room for a nice surprise. 

May 31: Godzilla King of the Monsters

The trailer for this movie was fantastic. The cast is fantastic. The effects look fantastic. The last Godzilla movie was none of those things. It was a decent movie that helped introduce the world to Hollywood Kaiju movies alongside the first Pacific Rim. By the end of the first Godzilla, I was left with a lot of hope and optimism for the sequel. It looks like they have the right idea here. The only concern for me is the number of villains they seem to be trying to fit into this movie. I'm just judging everything by the trailer, so I have no real idea how it all plays out. All I can say is I'm very excited to see monsters beat the s**t out of each other. Yummie.

June 7: Dark Phoenix / Secret Life of Pets 2

I sorta feel the same about these two movies at the moment. That is to say, I'm not very excited about either of them. Dark Phoenix seems to be having lots of problems and it's not even out yet. It was delayed many months from its original 2018 release alongside New Mutants. The last X-Men movie that this one is following up wasn't good either. The X-Men series has reached great highs in quality and also has provided some of the worst comic book movies ever. I hope this one isn't another letdown, because X-Men is still my favorite comic book series and it's got so much potential. I might be one of the few people that don't really care to see the X-Men join the MCU, but if the two movies they got for this year are flops... well maybe it's better in Disney's hands like everything else is. As for Secret Life of Pets 2. It's just not for me. Illumination Studios makes mediocre animation and this one isn't going to be any different. It's a good movie for kids, but that's about it. 

June 14: Men in Black International

Seems like no franchise can ever just truly go away. If you gotta keep it going through, Men in Black International looks like a great way to do that. Two great leads who have already proven they work well together in the last Thor. Changing things up by taking things to the UK is also a neat idea that could provide enough change to make this a fresh take on a franchise that was getting stale. This looks like a great popcorn movie for the summer.

June 21: Toy Story 4

Man, this year has 90s nostalgia all over the place. The last Toy Story seemed like the perfect way to end the series and say goodbye to all our favorite Pixar characters we grew up with. Things don't go away these days though, especially when they can bring in the billions. Pixar did say that the reason they are making this movie is that they had an idea so good for a sequel that they HAD to make it. I guess we won't really know for sure until the movie comes out in a few months. I feel like I should be a lot more excited about this considering how much I love Toy Story...

July 5: Spider-Man Far from Home

Spider-Man has been killing it recently, and not just on the Disney side of things. Three big hits in a row with Homecoming, Venom, and Spider-Verse. No doubt that this one will make that four big hits. You already got a great cast returning from the first movie and you get the addition of Jake Gyllenhaal playing the best Spider-Man villain Mysterio. This is going to be awesome.

July 19: The Lion King

Disney's not taking any breaks this coming Summer season. We're going to have Toy Story 4, Spider-Man, and The Lion King playing in theatres at the same time. The Lion King will be the last "live-action" remake of 2018 if you can call it live-action. Judging by the trailers it looks like a full CG movie, so I have no idea what live-action means anymore. The trailer literally looks exactly like the original animated movie from the 90s except not as cute. Like I said about Aladdin, I don't want this to be a shot-for-shot remake that doesn't change anything about the original. Like if they could show the hyenas shredding Scar to pieces at the end without cutting away, then it would be worth it. Seriously. Do it, Disney.*

July 26: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Not to be confused with Once Upon a Time in Mexico, which itself was not to be confused with Once Upon a Time in America. What was I talking about again? 

So Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is the next big Tarantino movie starring Brad DiCaprio and Leonardo Pitt. Wait... That's not right.

Look this movie is going to be awesome, that's all you need to know.

Aug 2: New Mutants / Hobbs & Shaw

NEW MUTANTS: I could probably just copy and paste what I wrote about Dark Phoenix here. Also probably throw in a Game of Thrones joke since they both star two Starks from that show." But I would never do that. Never.

HOBBS & SHAW: The movie that led Tyrese Gibson to a public meltdown and Vinn Diesel to hating The Rock so much he didn't want to be on the same set as him. Hobbs & Shaw is the new spinoff of the Fast and Furious movies that have made less and less sense as they continue. Finally just taking all the bad parts about the Fast movies and keeping the good parts, which are The Rock and Jason Statham. On paper, this sounds like an awesome idea. These two guys are great action stars and this could make for a very fun movie if done right. Not much else at this point since nothing else has been shown yet. #TyreseSpinOff


...wait, what-

Sept 6: IT Chapter 2

Yet again it seems like IT has the entire month to itself, has no one learned? The first IT came out in September of 2017 with no competition near it, allowing it to dominate the box office and break a lot of records for that month. Looks like the follow-up is going to follow that same strategy, rightly so. The first movie was a huge success not only because of its great release date but because the movie was actually really good. Horror movies have been doing pretty good these days since they usually have a low budget it doesn't take much to make a profit. I think audiences are really craving great horror movies too, so that actually helps out too. The potential is great for this sequel and the concept sounds like a perfect idea for a sequel. The story picks up 27 years later with an all-new cast playing the grown-up versions of the previous movie's characters. It's an all-star cast and this movie is all set to be another big hit with audiences and critics alike. 

Oct 4: Joker

A Joker origin story seems like the last thing I wanted from DC... that is until I saw who was playing Joker. Joaquin Phoenix is one of those actors that can get me to watch a movie on name recognition alone. He's such an interesting actor and his roles are almost always at the very least intriguing. Even in bad movies, he's usually the best part of them. This could really be interesting to see, though I wonder where it all ties with the rest of the DC movies. I'm very interested to see how this turns out. 

Oct 11: Zombieland 2

Feels like ages ago since the first Zombieland came out. Maybe that's because it was 10 whole years ago? Yeah, that's probably it. A lot of the actors in this movie went on to star in some amazing things after this after this movie. Jessie Eisenberg and Emma Stone have starred in award-winning movies and won some awards themselves. At a time where we most movies we get are sequels and remakes it's strange this one didn't come sooner. I think that's a good thing though, it gave the actors lots of time to grow as performers and also grow in age. This is a sequel people have been asking for since they saw the first one 10 years ago. I hope it was worth the wait. 

Oct 18: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Last years Won't You Be My Neighbor was the best documentary of the year, and also one of the best movies of the year. It really did a great job at showing just who Fred Rogers was and how he changed television forever. This year we will see Tom Hanks take the role of Fred Rogers in a new biopic that will basically do the same thing the documentary did but from a different point of view. Tom Hanks seemed to be the only actor that could possibly play this role so it will be interesting to see how it all plays out on screen.

Nov 8: Sonic the Hedgehog (Dankey Kang)

It's always a good sign when people are already upset at a movie by just its first poster. I can't say I blame them because OH MY GOD this poster looks really stupid. Sonic has a pretty iconic design that has worked for many decades in video games, comics, and tv shows. From the looks of this poster, it looks like they've made him into a monster. This doesn't really mean the movie is going to be bad or good, I guess. It's just not a great sign when Hollywood takes something that doesn't need to be changed and does it anyway. Detective Pikachu is doing this right by changing the art style of the characters, but still keeping the original designs intact. Why the hell is a Sonic movie coming out in 2019 anyway? Who asked for this?

Nov 22: Frozen 2

After a few months of letting other studios make some money, Disney is back at full force with one of its recent mega-hits. Frozen was a worldwide phenomenon that inspired a s**t-ton of youtube videos where little girls sing "Let it Go". The question going into this is this: Can Disney write a song that becomes as instantly iconic as "Let it Go"? Or will they just reuse that song in this sequel? Writing a four-chord pop song mega-hit shouldn't be too hard for them, especially with the amount of money and connections they have. As for the movie itself... well I'm sure it will be another fine movie. The first movie was fine. Nothing special or groundbreaking, but a good movie for younger audiences with very memorable songs to help with rewatch-ability. 

Dec 20: Star Wars Episode IX - Return of the Abrams

Earlier this year I wrote a long post about the history of Star Wars and how I feel about the franchise after all the recent movies. [You can read it here if you want]. Basically what I said though, was that more than ever I find myself unexcited about the Star Wars franchise and its upcoming movies. Solo was a big failure not only critically and financially, but it also put off a lot of big Star Wars fans. Disney really needs this to be not only a financially successful movie (which it will be in some way) but a critically successful movie, especially with fans. After The Last Jedi, I found myself to be not very interested in how this trilogy is going to end. Is it just going to be another Return of the Jedi type story, where the big villain Kylo realizes he was wrong and changes sides? It really seems like that's where it's headed. With multiple new tv series and movie trilogies coming in the next few years, things need to change. Star Wars needs to step away from the Skywalker storyline and introduce completely new characters and new stories that aren't connected to the episodic movies. That's how I feel anyway. Star Wars is always a big event when it comes out and I want it to always feel that way. Last year was the first time I didn't rush out to watch a Star Wars movie with Solo, and it was a strange feeling. Hopefully, this last movie will be a nice sendoff to the Skywalker story. 

2020 - The End of a Decade

It's been a long and amazing decade for movies and this last year looks to send things off with a bang. The movies on this list are just the major ones that have been officially announced, there are sure to be tons of great indie movies and more to look forward to. Here are some takeaways:
- Disney is releasing at least nine giant movies, most being sequels and remakes. 
- The comic book movie crazy looks to be going strong into this year with at least 8 movies.
- Video game movies are going to keep getting made despite the history of flops.
- We could really use a new original franchise about now, but sadly most new ideas seem to fail... because they aren't good (*cough* Mortal Engines *cough*)
