
Edge of Seventeen Review

The Edge of Seventeen

The lesser known release (alongside the highly anticipated Fantastic Beasts) this week was "The Edge of Seventeen", a movie I have been excited to see since I got to see the trailer a few months back. I love a good coming-of-age story as some of my favorite films are on that same topic (Perks of Being a Wallflower, Breakfast Club, The Way Way Back, The Kings of Summer). So was this movie as good as any of those? 

The answer to that question is YES. I really liked this movie more than I thought I would, it was a surprisingly great film. The film follows the 17 year old Nadine in the middle of her Junior year in high school, as life just seems to be getting worse and worse in her mind. Nadine pretty much has always lived the life of an outcast and she's faced some tragedies, but her best friend Krista has always been there with her. Just when you think things can't get worse for Nadine, she is "betrayed" by her bestie and that's when things start to get really bad for Nadine. Hailee Steinfeld plays said Nadine, and she does a great job throughout the film in letting you feel the pain alongside her and following her troubles. She really does a great job playing the awkward teen outcast who doesn't can't seem to catch a break. With everything that happens to Nadine in the movie and as the movie goes along, Steinfeld shows great emotion and desperation, while also being charming in her awkward teen way. The supporting cast does a great job as well especially Woody Harrelson who plays Nadine's teacher, and while he's not in the movie much he made me laugh in pretty much all the scenes he was in. All of the other characters in the film are played well too though the movie's main focus is always on Nadine and the other characters are there to be a part of her story, and they do a good job at adding to her story. I would have liked to spend some more time getting to know Nadine's best friend Krista and maybe seeing their friendship and relationship a little more, but I think the film did a good job showing how important it was in the little time they did show it. Also Hayden Szeto who plays Erwin was so funny in this movie, i'm glad he was in the film for the perfect amount (you'll know if you watch it). 

Like with all coming-of-age movies and important factor is if you can relate to it in some way. I found with this movie there's got to be at least one character in the film you can relate to, or at least to one of the situations that Nadine's character goes through. Wether it's finding a place to fit in, having a fight with your best friend, having a crush on someone only to find out they actually terrible, feeling awkward at a party, arguing with your family, or feeling helpless are just some of the things that Nadine goes through and the film does a great job at making you laugh along at the situation or really feeling the emotions the characters feel. It's something you don't just have to be a seventeen year old or a high schooler to really understand and relate to, and you can find something in this film that you can identify with. You'll laugh with the characters and you'll feel sad with the characters. 

I know most people will choose to go see Fantastic Beasts (which I can't wait to see soon) over Edge of Seventeen this weekend, but if you do get a chance I would say give it a watch if any of this sounds interesting, it's a great film full of good moments with a lot of heart. 

Overall i'd give it an: B+, A film i'll be adding to my collection when it comes out and probably one of my top 10 of the year at the moment, but there's still some other films i'm very excited for coming soon (Rouge One, La La Land, Manchester By the Sea, Moana) so we'll see. 


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