
Billboard Top 10 Update 11/26/16

Billboard Top 10 Episode IV (11/26/16): From Bad to Worse

Just when you think the pop charts can't get any worse from last week... more bad songs incoming to the top 10 and a "lovely" surprise that I never saw coming, but probably should have. I'm not going to talk about every song since most are still the same from last week, so i'll focus more on the big changes and new hits. 

1. Black Beatles - Rea Sremmurd: Out of all the songs that could have taken out the biggest song of the year "Closer" I didn't think it would be this one. I know I really wanted "Closer" to finally get taken out, but honestly I think I should have been careful with what I wished for. I mean in comparison to "Closer", which I though was a pretty decent song (for a Chainsmokers song anyway), this one just disappoints me even more. While I could actually listen to "Closer" and enjoy it for what it was and was able to see past a lot of it's flaws like the weak male vocals and music, "Black Beatles" isn't that way for me. With boring vocals, boring music and boring predictable lyrics, there's nothing good about "Black Beatles". The song just feels like a flatline, it feels like a song that has no pulse and it's pretty much the same from beginning to the end musically and vocally never going anywhere interesting. Yet another passionless song that's made it all the way to the top of the charts, but I guess I should be thankful that it Drake isn't the artist this time. The worst part is that there are good songs close to the top 10 right now that I would have rather seen get here and take out "Closer". "Starboy", "24k Magic", "Side to Side", even "Heathens" would have been better than this one. There's always a chance that one of those or something better can come next week or soon and replace this one. Even "Closer" might make a #1 comeback since it's still going pretty strong, but i'm not sure how I would feel about it coming back after it finally going down a spot.  

6. 24K Magic - Bruno Mars: With "Side to Side" going down in sales and somewhat on streaming and "24K" continuing to rise from last week for the most part on both, they traded places again.  In a better world of music these two songs would be fighting out for the top spot, but I guess that just doesn't happen in this day and age. Still i've listened Bruno's new album 24K Magic this week and it's a pretty solid album overall, but I didn't really hear any songs that stood out as much as "24K Magic" itself. So maybe with the new album out, 24K Magic will boost on the charts, but at this point I doubt it will be enough to get to the top spot by next week. Still as long as Bruno continues to release decent music on the charts I guess it's okay.

10. Don't Wanna Know - Maroon Sigh: I wrote a separate review on this song a few weeks ago explaining why I don't like it so you can check it out here to see in more detail. Honestly this is one of the worst singles that Maroon 5 has released in my opinion, and that's saying something considering how bad their last album was. I just hate to see a "band" that was once so fun to listen to and made a lot of catchy enjoyable music is now making such boring lifeless songs. Maroon 5 seems to be the perfect example of a band selling out to make big hits and losing all that made them a good band in the progress. As I said in the other review, this song sounds like it could have been written and performed by any other pop artist of today. Even Kendrick Lamar is bad in this song with his rap verse, where he rhymes "birthday" with "birthday" and then rhymes "this" with "this" and then with "this". So much potential with both of these artists to do something good, but instead we get another boring song that you'll hear on the radio far too often just because it's made by Maroon 5 and Adam Levine. I know that bands have to evolve with the times to stay relevant and have to try new things to stay on the scene, but I don't think it has to mean you have to create such ordinary pop songs with now soul or passion. I want to be a fan of their music, but I can't when they keep making these kind of songs. Now... I don't hate this song (i mean it's just okay), but I just hate to see artists that have potential to make something really good like Maroon 5 and Kendrick Lamar waste time with this kinda stuff.

Conclusion: Overall a pretty bad week for music, as the good music is either staying put or just getting lower while the bad stuff keeps getting higher on the charts. Though the best thing to happen this week was Drakes awful whiny "Fake Love" going from the 10 spot all the way down to 17, so maybe there is hope yet for the charts. 

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