
Billboard Worst of the Year!

Top 10 Worst of the Year 2016

So it's almost the end of the year, and the billboard charts aren't really moving much and probably won't for the rest of this last month, so I though it would be a good time to go over some highs and lows of the pop music year. Starting with the lows today, and boy there was a lot to go through for this list. It's going to be a lot easier picking the best list because there wasn't as much to love, but for this list I thought it would be easier if I just stuck with songs that made the top 20. If I do this again next year I hope to spend more time and listen to more chart music so I can get a better picture of the year. So here's a list of rules I made up just now for the list this year:

- Song had to be in the Top 20 at least one week of the year 2016

- Not including those weird novelty dance songs like Juju on that Beat or Watch Me because they are too easy/obvious to make fun of or hate

- Only one song per artist (not including feat.) so that the whole list isn't just Drake and Chainsmokers over and over

- Can't use these songs next year (if I do one next year) on the list, as some may be in the charts early 2017. 

So those are the rules for now, just to make it a little more interesting as well as easier to pick from instead of 100s of songs to search through cause I don't have time for that (or hate myself enough to do it yet). Also, like most music on billboard, i'm rating these on pop song standards... so I understand that these songs are never supposed to be as good as the other music that doesn't make it to the charts, and I know these songs are trying to play to the general audience of radio and streaming. Still that excuse can only go so far... Let's start.... (sigh)

Almost made the list:  

Don't Mind - Kent Jones: Ahhh, another song about a guy who likes girls of all races and sleeps with all of them cause he's so cool and famous (even though this is his only hit song). It's been done many times before by artists like Pitbull (who name drops a location in all of his songs) , Jason Derulo, Drake and Lil' Wayne have all done this type of song and did it pretty terribly as well. This song doesn't do anything new lyrically or musically, and it's just boring. The chorus thinks it's being clever with the different languages, but it's more annoying than clever and it gets old fast. Still Kent Jones doesn't really have much else and it's unclear wether he'll be around the charts ever again. For that reason I didn't put him in the top 10, and let him off the hook. 

i hate u, i love u - gnash: Besides the fact that the I's aren't capitalized, there's plenty of other things wrong with this one. gnash's vocals are so lifeless and emotionless, for a song that's trying to be very emotional and heavy. The music doesn't do much except the light piano in the background that only really does a few chords throughout the song, and the light bass sounds and weird clapping/snapping sounds? Like I said a few months ago, the song just feels so flat and it stays at the same level the whole time. What keeps it from being on the list is the fact that the lyrics are actually talking about something that matches the sad and soft music, and it feels different from a lot of the music that was on the charts around the time I suppose at least in terms of lyrics. At the very least it seems to be trying to say something important, even if it doesn't do a good job at it. 

Don't Wanna Know - Maroon 5: I've written about this song a few times already so I don't want to repeat myself too much. To sum it up, I hate seeing artists with talent and potential just put out a lazy song like this that sounds like everything else on the radio right now. This song could have been written and performed by anyone and it wouldn't be that much different. Also Kendrick Lamar has one of the worse verses he's ever performed. How many songs about this subject are going to be in the charts this year, the whole "we broke up and I keep thinking about you with someone else" subject has become so overused in pop music these past years. Still it's an okay song overall compared to a lot of bad songs this year, and Adam's vocals are still nice to listen to on here. 

There were other songs that were close, but I decided not to include like Cake by the Ocean or Treat You Better. They were bad sure, but at least I didn't hate listening to them that much like the songs I did put on the list. It was tough choosing which song I disliked the most or the least, so the order can be changed a little. The hardest part was choosing the 10th song and the first song, as there were a few that I struggled to rank. I tried not to let my feelings of the artist themselves affect the list, but in the end I think those feelings are what made me dislike some songs more than others as i'll explain. Also.... if you like any of these songs it's cool and i'm glad you can find a way to enjoy them, but this is just how I feel. 

10. Work - Rihanna: "If you had a twin i'd still choose you" - Drake 2016
With classic lines like that this song was destined to be on this list. Sorry to say I can't really understand Rihanna throughout half of this song. The chorus just repeats words over and over to an annoying point and at some points it just sounds like Rihanna is mumbling her lines. The music is boring like most pop music this year (sorry if I repeat that complaint a lot, it's hard to ignore in all these pop songs). The music just feels really weak throughout the whole song. Still this song is far from the worse this year which is why it's all the way at my 10 spot. I still get some enjoyment out of hearing Rihanna mumble half the chorus, at least in a comedic way. She seems to be putting more emphasis on her accent on this song than some of her other songs, so I can give it a pass for that.

9. H.O.L.Y. - Florida Georgia Line: Speaking of lazy songs, Florida Georgia Line return to the top of the charts with their amazing song HOLY. Honestly I feel bad about putting this on the list because i'm not really huge on country music, but I know it can be done better than this. This doesn't even really feel like a country song, except the fact it's performed by Florida Georgia Line. Super cheesy cliche lyrics and super basic music with nothing exciting happening throughout the whole song. I know there's country music out there that's actually good or at the very least trying to be good, so it's sad that this super lazy song is the one that made it pretty high on the charts above the rest of them. I guess i'm just happy that this song wasn't annoying as "Cruise" and "This is How We Roll".

8. Low Life - Future/Weeknd: The power of Drake is strong with this one. I thought Drake was the king of boring songs that could put you to sleep in seconds, but Future looks to be trying to his throne. This song has zero energy musically and vocally, both singers sound like they haven't slept in weeks when they were recording and are trying their best to stay awake to finish recording. Why have a great singer like The Weeknd only to have him barely try to sing the chorus. Why is the music so boring? Why is Future allowed to make music? Why?

7. My House - Flo Rida: Here comes the artist as interesting as a blank paper, Flo Rida. I never want to hear the word house again after hearing this song (he says it a total of 18 times the whole song or 24 if you count synonyms). Also I always get really annoyed during the chorus when he does that sloppy stretch of the line "we don't have to go out". Seriously though, Flo Rida has really only made one decent song in "good feeling" and the rest of his music has been pretty terrible.

6. Work From Home - Fifth Harmony: The idea of a song about missing someone you care about because you both work different times of the day is not a bad one, but it's not executed well here. The worst part of the song is of course the lazy chorus that repeats the word "work" over and over till it doesn't make sense anymore. Also this is one of those songs that repeat the same music loop over and over until the end of the song, and it gets old pretty fast. Also there's these weird sounds during the second verse that sound really out of place, a weird squeaky noise. Also Ty Dolla $ign does a verse so that's a thing. Also the word "work" is said 97 times in this song, so that's cool.

5. Roses - Chainsmokers: The drop in this song is so bad, I always die a little inside when it happens. So I know music like this has a big focus on the "cool" electronic sounds and effects, but none of that stands out here. I found the music on this one to be really annoying, with all the frustrating vocal effects used and the equally frustrating random "what" chanting in the background. This song just feels one giant mess and nothing feels right together in here. The vocals and music together don't work together and it makes it really hard to listen to this song all the way through. Chainsmokers made had a lot of bad songs this year, but this one stands out above them in all the wrong ways.

4. Me Too - Meghan Trainor: When I first heard this song the first thing that popped into my head was Will.i.am, because musically this sounds a lot like something he would do. The bass sounds sound like they came straight from a Black Eyed Peas song or a song produced by Will.i.am. Normally I find a lot of Will.i.am's music to be pretty annoying, so the fact that this sounds like it doesn't help me enjoy this, as the bass sounds are really annoying and overdone in this song. Also hearing Meghan Trainor trying to be so cocky and cool just doesn't really work for her, I just don't believe it coming from her. At least I can say she was trying to do something new, which is why this song isn't any higher, but it's still a pretty annoying song.

3. We Don't Talk Anymore - Charlie Puth/Selena Gomez: A tough question I had to ask myself when making this list: Who is worse - Charlie Puth or Shawn Mendes? After some thought, the clear answer was Charlie Puth (at least this year). Not only releasing the super cheesy and unsexy "Marvin Gaye", he makes this equally lame song with Selena Gomez that's about the same overused subject like "Don't Wanna Know" by Maroon 5. The vocals in this song stay in the same tone throughout the whole runtime never doing anything interesting. The lyrics don't add anything new to this subject that's been done to death, it feels so bland and unoriginal. A lot of my frustration with pop music comes from either extremely boring songs with no emotion or songs like this one that take a subject that's been done so many times and doesn't add a single new thing to it. It just feels like one of those songs that could have been written by any song writer and could have been much better with a different performer.

2. Fake Love - Drake: Drake is the king of boring songs that make me want to sleep, and most of the time actually do put me to sleep. I tried to listen to this while driving once, and it was a really bad idea. An artist that has been around as long as Drake has no excuse in releasing something this boring. BUT that's Drake thing right? Making music that's lifeless and boring with no passion. Music that's whiny and all about Drake complaining about people or his life. It's impressive the music is somehow even more boring than Drake's vocals in this song. I really wish people would stop buying and listening to bad music like this just because it comes from an artist that's already established and known around the world. I really think if this song was written by someone who wasn't as famous or popular as Drake people would hate it. Then again... I can't really speak for the majority, as I have no idea what they actually like, since artists like Flo Rida, Charlie Puth, Drake and Future all have huge hits this year. Drake needs to try something new and put more energy into his music, or at least just show some passion and emotion in his lyrics. Hopefully people will start to see how lazy this is and stop listening.

1. Gold - Kiiara: It was so hard trying to choose between this song and Drake for the worst of the year. This song is SO ANNOYING to listen to, and it was very hard listening to more than once. I just can't listen to this song all the way through, by the second chorus I have to change it. The chorus is one of the most frustrating things that i've heard all year, it really gets under my skin. The rest of this song is bland, boring and repetitive, but the chorus just takes it to a whole new level of bad. The lyrics repeat multiple times throughout the song, making the song that much harder to get through (since it doesn't make sense half the time anyway). While Drake might be boring, at least I can listen to his songs all the way through. This song somehow made it all the way to the TOP 13 spot and lasted 27 weeks on the HOT 100 charts. How can anyone give this a pass? How can anyone put up with the gibberish chorus? Please keep music like this away from the charts and the radio, it's not good at all.

But anyway, that's my list of worst songs. Next time i'll be looking at my favorite pop songs of the year, so that should be a lot better for my ears. Thanks for reading and putting up with my negativity if you made it this far, and remember to support indie artists out there who are trying new things and putting a lot of passion in there music. But also keep listening to the pop artists you love regardless of what other people think, because in the end it's all opinion and you have the right to your own. Now I must go to sleep because I have to go to "WORK, WORK, WORK, WORK, WORK."


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