

Split M. Night Shyamalan's newest film "Split" stars James McAvoy and Anya Taylor-Joy in a thriller about a man who has Dissociative Identity Disorder that takes three girls captive. The girls have to deal with the different personalities that appear as they try to somehow escape from his prison....


Billboard Top10: January 21 2017

Billboard 1/21/17 So it's 2017 and it's time for new music to take the charts and we get to see what the big songs and trends are going to be this year. Though, it's going to take a while for things to completely change as the charts are still full of songs from last year. Really things haven't changed much since last month, just a couple of things here and there moving around slightly in the top...


2017 Movie Preview

Anticipated movies of 2017 Last year was a bit of a letdown in many ways, with lots of big budget movies being pretty disappointing. Though lots of great indie films made up for the bad big budget movies last year. 2017 looks to have even more highly anticipated big movies than last year so far, and...


Top 10 Movies of 2016

Top 10 Movies: 2016 2016 was a strange year for movies. Lots and lots of disappointments this year, but still a lot of good movies out there and even some great surprises. To me, this year was all about the indie movie. While big budget movies and sequels just seemed to disappoint and not bring anything...