
Billboard Top10: January 21 2017

Billboard 1/21/17

So it's 2017 and it's time for new music to take the charts and we get to see what the big songs and trends are going to be this year. Though, it's going to take a while for things to completely change as the charts are still full of songs from last year. Really things haven't changed much since last month, just a couple of things here and there moving around slightly in the top 10, while the rest of the charts are a different story. Focusing on the top 10 though, the biggest and best news is finally... FINALLY Ju Ju On That Beat is off the top 10 with a huge drop from the number 6 spot to the 11th. Losing it's popularity in streaming, itunes and youtube by huge numbers lead to this finally getting kicked off the top 10. Another big surprise coming up right at the number ONE spot...

1. Bad and Boujee by Migos Ft. Lil Uzi Vert (Try spelling that with autocorrect): 

So black Beatles is yet again kicked to the 2 spot thanks to this.... song? I actually sadly like Black Beatles better than this song. This song feels like it last an eternity, it's literally the same thing over and over and over again and it just feels so drawn out. This song needed to be cut down to 2.5 minutes at the most. What the hell is with that Lil Uzi verse? He sounds a little to breathy, it comes across kinda creepy. The most annoying thing though is the echo and sound effects they have to do after every single line in this song. "DOPE!" "GRAHH" "PEWPEWPEW" are just some of the annoying things you hear and it gets old before the first verse is even over. Take away that echo and make the song way shorter and you have a decent song that's at least average.

2. Black Beatles by Rae Sremmurd

Still going pretty strong in streaming, but dropping in sales it still manages to stick around the top of the charts. I finally got around to watching the video though, and it was strange to see a group who doesn't know how to play instruments on stage with... instruments. besides that, I still feel the same way about this song like I did last year. It's better than anything they have done in the past, so at least there's improvement. Still that's not saying much for these guys.

3. Closer by Generic Artist number 387

This song has been up here way too long at this point, and it doesn't seem like it's going anywhere at the moment. The bad male vocals, the weak drop and the dumb lyrics by Chainsmokers who only seem to write songs about how much girls want to sleep with them. I still listen to it from time to time, because even with it's flaws I can admit it's not a terrible pop song, it's okay at best. Hopefully though, people will stop giving this so much attention and move on to something new and better.

4. Starboy by The Weeknd

A couple weeks ago this song actually made it to the top spot for just one week sadly. Around the time of the albums release, which I guess gave the song enough of a boost to get to the top for a week. Still a great song and I haven't really changed my opinion on that. This would be the ideal choice to be on top or at least 24k Magic, but sadly it's gone down again this week thanks to "Closer" and it's down to number 4. 

5. 24k Magic by Bruno Mars

This one has been floating around here since it made it to the Top 10. Honestly, I think with time i've somehow grown to love this song even more. I though by this point the...uhm... magic would have faded away. It's a sad time when a song that's actually fun, catchy, original, and well made doesn't make it to the top 10. Also sad to that another great song "Versace on the Floor" isn't even on the charts anymore only making it to the 98th spot and leaving quickly after. Seems weird to see a Bruno Mars album have only strong single, but of course the album is still fairly new so maybe in time more songs will gain popularity after 24k Magic loses some steam. Before that happens though, just give this one some time on the number one spot please. It deserves it. 

6. Side to Side by Ariana Grande ft. Nicki Minaj

This one pretty much has the same story as "24K Magic" just floating around the middle of the top 10 since it first appeared here. I guess the streaming and radio play must be very strong because in sales it looks to be slipping. Honestly it seems the only thing keeping this one alive is the video since it's still the second most popular video on Youtube music with almost 670,000,000 views. I wonder why the video is so popular? Email me at Captain@Obvious.com if you know the answer.

7. Don't Wanna Know by Adam Levine and 5 other guys. Oh and Kendrick Lamar is here too. Kinda.

I don't think I need to say much about this one. Still a very bad song. Still sad to hear Kendrick Lamar's bad verse. Still wonder what they did to Adam Levine to make him sound like any other singer. 

8. Let Me Love You by Justin Bieber and DJ Slytherin

It's probably a good idea not to listen to "Don't Wanna Know" followed by this song if you are driving, as there is a very good chance you will fall asleep. Look, Justin Bieber dominated 2016 in the charts and it's time for him to go away for a little while now. There was barely a few weeks without him in the top 10 last year and I just need a little break is all. With time this song went from being just an average song that wasn't terrible to being a very boring song I can't really listen to all the way through. I hope the next song has some more energy, I could use a pick-me-up. 

9. Fake Love by NyQuil

Oh. Look who's back on the top 10. Can someone please just show Drake some real love so he can stop whining and going into bad falsetto. 

10. Bad Things by MGK ft. Fastball

Take a chorus from a good 90's song and butcher it. That's what this song did. Using the chorus from 90's band Fastball's song "Out of My Head", a song about someone who admits to the mistakes they have been  by ignoring the obvious signs a person has been giving him while expressing that they "never meant to do bad things to you". This new song by Machine Gun Kelly changes that last line to "I ONLY want to do bad things to you" changing the message of the original song and of course making it more sexual, because that's what you do now-a-days I guess. Machine Gun Kelly himself isn't that great of a rapper and on this song he seems pretty weak. Mostly I just hate how this song takes a song that I actually like and doesn't use it well at all.  So if you haven't heard the original go look it up and check it out. "Out of My Head" by Fastball.

Well that's it for this week. Still carrying over all the bad, and good from last year. With two new songs that both fail to catch my attention more than just one or two listens. Can't wait for the new music to start coming in, i'm excited to see what the year has in store for music. 


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