
Billboard Top 10 (2006) Look Back

Billboard Top 10 from Sep 2006 Review

So after listening to the top ten songs currently in the charts, I decided to review the top 10 songs from 10 years ago. Wondering if pop music was a little more interesting ten years ago… Well here goes nothing!

  1. London Bridge by Fergie: I was pretty surprised to see this song at number one, I thought everyone hated this song. So this song is… terrible in almost every way possible. What I can’t figure out though is if it’s supposed to be bad? Did Fergie know this song was terrible? Is that why they added the strange commentary at the end? Was this all just a joke? I don’t know, but honestly they way I feel is: If it was meant as a joke then this song is terrible and not funny and should never have made it to the top 1 spot. BUT, if it Fergie was actually trying to make a song here, then this song is pretty great. It just makes it really funny when I think about Fergie recording this and actually thinking it’s a good song. Overall a terribly cheesy song worth a listen for some laughs. At least she didn’t make this one a Black Eyed Peas song i guess.
  2. Crazy by Gnarls Barkley: This song is amazing. One of the best pop songs of the 00’s for sure. I love how different CeeLo Green is from other top pop artists, actually trying different things like this album. This song is so memorable and will get stuck in your head for a while, and that’s not a problem because it’s a very good song. It’s so smooth and oozes coolness, I feel like I cooler just listening to this song. With the nice simple bass line and the nice backing “ooiing” in the background. Then the fun string sounds in the chorus, it all comes together perfectly to make one of the most memorable songs i’ve ever heard. 
  3. Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado w/ Timbaland: I remember this song well from back in 2006. I liked it back then and I still like it today for sure. The beat is great with the annoyingly catchy music that follows. Nelly’s vocals are good, it really fits in this song well. As for Timbaland… well I kinda wish they had gotten another artist to do his vocals cause he’s not that great at it, still very passable though. I remember it being kind of weird to see the girl who sang “I’m Like A Bird” be a part of a more risqué song like this, but it totally works and she doesn’t feel out of place at all. 
  4. Me & U by Cassie: I don’t remember this song at all, in fact I think it’s the only song I can’t remember from this list. I guess that shows the kind of impression she had with this song. I don’t really have much to say about this… just seems like pretty generic music for back in 2006 by an artist that literally went nowhere after her first big release in 2006. I can see why, nothing special here.
  5. Buttons by Talentless group of unknown girls AKA Pussycat Dolls: Who let these girls make music? If talent were measured in how much you can annoy someone in the span of one song they would be the most talented artists of the decade. Annoying Egyptian sounding music and a boring beat with terrible vocals. I’m so glad these girls aren’t around anymore… although they seemed to have been reincarnated as a group called “Fifth Harmony” so there’s that. 
  6. (When You Gonna) Give It Up To Me by Sean Paul feat. Keshia Cole: Nope. Still can’t understand Sean Paul after 10 years. This song really had has that 00’s pop music charm though. Like this song could only exists in the mid 00’s and no other time. It’s hard to separate the nostalgia of the music and my opinion of this song now. Would I listen to this song again? no. Would I mind if it popped up on the radio while I was with friends or driving? no.
  7. I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco: “Haven’t you people ever heard of closing the God d**** door?”. One of these songs is not like the others, and Panic! at the Disco’s IWSNT is that song. I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who didn’t know this whole song and was able to quote and sing along to the whole thing.  So is this song actually good or just a memorable song based on the time it came out and it's quotable lyrics? It's good. The music and unique vocals by Brendan Urie all work well to give us something really unique in 2006. It's been 10 years since this single and Panic! at the Disco recently released a great album in the "Death of a Bachelor" I really liked. Go check it out, it's catchy as hell. I miss music like this... 
  8. Ain’t No Other Man by Aguilera: Wow! A fun song by Christina Aguilera? I forgot that was even possible. I mean it’s not perfect, like those annoying two note moments played throughout most of the song that feel like they stop the song. Still the vocals are good and not annoying like Christina can sometimes do. This song has good energy and has a cool little breakdown at the end. It’s not amazing, but I can see why it would be on the top 10. I wish there was more music like this in the top 10 today, like an “Uptown Funk”. 
  9. Sexy Love by Neo?…Ne-Yo: Sexy love as apposed to… unsexy love? This is not my kind of music. Just doesn’t comply with my brain. Is it good? Is it bad? I DONT KNOW! It’s not offensive or terrible. It just is. I think i’m okay with boring lifeless passionless music like this being in the top 10. Boring people need love to right? Sexy love that is. 
  10. Shoulder Lean by Young Dro w/ T.I.: SHOULDER LEAN! SHOULDER LEAN! SHULDR LN! SHLDR LN! Raise your hand if you miss dance songs based on one lazy action.  By the way… who the heck is Young Dro?

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