
Billboard Top 10 (September) First Look

Billboard Top 10 Review

Billboard top 10 Review:

Closer by Chainsmokers ft. Halsey: Just okay, boring lyrics, generic modern music, feels lifeless, Halsey is okay i guess. feeling sleepy now. must change song. Seriously though, songs like these are why I can’t take the pop music charts seriously. It’s all boring and repetitive dance music that feels lifeless strangely enough. Nothing feels special here- and this is the number one song in the country right now. I know pop music isn’t always amazingly creative or groundbreaking, and it’s okay to have this kind of music in the world. I just don’t understand how something like this can be the NUMBER 1 song in the world. Just my taste I guess. Again, I don’t hate it! It’s listenable for sure, just pretty boring.

Cold Water by Major Lazer ft. Bieber: Fun riffs and pretty good music, boring Justin Bieber singing and cliche boring lyrics. Overall if feels very repetitive after a while and gets boring to listen to. You know I didn’t think this song was even bad until I heard another song called “Let Me Love You” by DJ Snake. These two songs sound so similar I though I was listening to the same song again. Okay not really… BUT, seriously these two songs are so similar it makes me wonder how they got away with it. How are two songs that sound this similar allowed to be so high in the charts at the same time? Do people think it’s the same song? I don’t know, but I hope I see more creativity in the next songs. 

Heathens by Twenty One Pilots: I really love Twenty One Pilots. The last two albums they released were great and I can listen to them from front to back easily. This song though… it just feels so boring and lifeless. The lyrics are interesting at least talking about trust issues and letting people in. Still the rest of the song feels slow and boring, not the kind of song i’ll be listening to very often if at all. Hopefully the next music they release won’t be anything like this.

Cheap Thrills by Sia: Rich artists singing about not needing money to have fun and party is kinda my new pet peeve. I do love Sia’s voice, but I feel like they are being wasted with yet another boring song in the top 10. It’s not a bad song, it’s just incredibly meh. I think someone with Sia’s talent should be making much better music. Much like most songs in the top 10 right now, it’s another decent song with nothing special about it. 

Ride by Twenty One Pilots: The best of the top 10 for sure. A fun song with fun vocals and music and interesting lyrics about a person’s thoughts. It’s nice to see a song with originality and some life in it reach the top 10. Of course it makes it more annoying that a good song like this can make it to the top 10 and yet we still get mostly boring generic music up here. Hope to see more songs like this in the future. 

This is what you came for by Calvin Harris and Rihanna: God this song is annoyingly catchy, I kind of hate that I like this song. It’s everything I dislike about pop music of today, but somehow it just works in it’s own way. I’m not sure if it’s Harris’ music or Rihanna’s catchy vocals that get stuck in your head. I guess it’s a bit of both… It’s all so wonderfully catchy and I enjoy all the oohing. Good job Rihanna. Good job Harris. Never thought i’d say those words ever. 

Don’t Let Me Down by Chainsmokers w/ Daya: This song almost worked for me, it was so cloooooose. I love the music and vocals in the intro, verses and pre-chorus and even the bridge. BUT that chorus just kills the whole song for me. The chorus just feels so out of place with the rest of the song, it’s all peaceful and charming and then comes the annoying breakdown with the annoying music and vocals. What’s more annoying is the last chorus fixes that and is a little more simplified with more focus on the vocals. If it had been that way the whole song I would have actually gave this one a pass. I can see myself listening some more times, I do enjoy a lot of the parts. One of the better songs in the top 10 for sure. 

One Dance by Drake w/ WizKid and Kyla: Interesting opening with piano sounds and 1st verse is pretty good. Wait no… the whole song is the same exact thing? never mind. Go away Drake. 

Send my love by Adele:  I honestly don’t know how to feel about this song. Just like most songs on the top 10 it feels….boring. I know Adele is capable of some powerful work or at the very least I’ll be WOWed by her voice. This song just feels like she wasn’t really trying to hard. 

Treat You Better by Shawn Boredes: Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, but it just doesn’t sound different at all from his last big hit Stitches. It’s a little slower i suppose, but the lyrics are pretty cliche like most pop songs. It doesn’t bring anything new or exiting to music and really doesn’t deserve any special recognition or fame. How many artists out there can do the same thing if not better things than Shawn Mendes. He just seems very vanilla, and it’s weird to me that an artists like this can beat out so many other bland artists for some reason. Anyway, it’s another mediocre song. Nothing truly bad, but nothing special here, it’s the kind of song that any decent artist or singer can pull off. I find Shawn Mendes so boring that I left his name unbolded in the song title. He doesn't deserve Bold. 

Anyway that's my overdramatic review of the top 10. 

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