
Billboard Hot 100 Summer Update: The Why Bother Edition

Billbored Cold 100 Update It's been a few months since the last time I checked up on the pop music scene and the billboard charts... Usually I wait this long so that there's enough time for it to change and I won't have to talk about the same songs over and over again. Not surprisingly, the charts haven't moved much (at least not the top 10 anyway) since my last encounter with the pop musiczzz....


Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman The 4th movie in the DC:EU released just this weekend and it was huge. DC has been struggling to release a movie that is loved by general audiences, DC fans and critics and Wonder Woman really seemed like it was going to be the one to do that. I myself haven't loved any of the DC:EU...


Favorite Songs Part I: The Slow Edition

Favorite Songs Part I: The Slow Edition Music is known as something that can help us express emotions and help us sometimes even understand our own emotions better. It's something that can bring you up and fill you with energy and also bring you down and help you relax or even feel sad. Everyone probably has a few special songs that they use to help them connect to a specific emotion. Certain songs...